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Loohan's blog for February, 2022
Feb 1, '22: (5:55am) It was warm and sunny yesterday, with some chem attempts we may have mostly suppressed. Now we are supposed to get a bunch of precipitation for a while.
I have been finding uncountable thousands more particles of myself in space; hard to believe how many.
I am starting to take this one seriously, as i realized that its protein has very different energetics in comparison to previous mutations. In fact i did not get a vibe off this one until early this morning, looking at a pic of someone who reportedly had syptoms including "... unpleasant sensations in her stomach, esophagus and in her mouth. Slight burning and bitterness. Then every day it got worse and her taste disappeared. It feels disgusting in her throat, esophagus and in her mouth. She doesn't taste what she eats and it is difficult to swallow, as if something is pressing upwards, preventing her from swallowing."
I could not feel a Covid vibe off her at first. So i did a search and found the article linked above, which has a diagram of Omicron. Blasted it and then the same vibe came up in her photo.
I am addressing an energetic weakness in this mutation, using a sophisticated device.
For the FIRST time, i am actually getting a vibe off the body of the virus, and can feel that, yes, it actually IS a virus.
Here is a pic of the anti-omicron sigil. The black lines are the old sigil for the previous spike proteins, which does not seem to phase Omicron. The red stuff i had to add to adapt it to Omicron.
While making this 2nd version, i noticed that i myself have a low level, asymptomatic infection! There is a chance you do, too.
Hopefully in a day or so i will post a CAD version. Meanwhile, gaze at this pic a while and see if you get any weird sensations. It is not necessary to print it. If you do you can try the greyscale setting on your printer. A more printer-friendly version is forthcoming.
As i type this, i am experiencing odd body sensations which are not unpleasant, as if my immune system is kicking in because the omicron virus is energetically weakened as well as more obvious to the body.
Feb 2, '22: (6:10am) OK, the CAD version of the new sigil is up here.
Gentle rain has started. Right now wunderground predicts 4.6" of rain today, turning to freezing rain this afternoon. Then 4.5" of snow tomorrow. Then down to 8F the following night. If this holds true, i can expect a lot of tree damage as the overloaded trees sway in breeze...
Feb 3, '22: (8:30am) Luckily, they overestimated how much precip i would get. Yesterday evening they estimated i would get 9-13" of snow and ice over the next 2-3 days. I was supposed to get several inches overnight, and several more today.
What actually happened is that there was such faint freezing drizzle yesterday that almost none stuck to the branches. Then the subsequent precip has all been in the form of tiny hard chunks of snow-ice that make a slight sound hitting hard surfaces, but everything is covered with only a thin layer of white stuff. Cold.
They still are calling for "Snow and ice accumulating 5 to 8 inches" today, and another inch tonight. We shall see.
Feb 4, '22: (8:15am) Interesting. I hardly got any more wintry mix after posting yesterday. Precip stopped for hours. Then around 3pm i noticed some fluffy snow flurries. A small amount built up on tree bark.
But check what is reported for my state: Arkansas' latest snow and sleet totals. A bunch of AR cities are listed. The smallest amount recorded on this list is 4.0". The second-lowest is 6.0, and the highest is 10.3", with many getting 9 or more inches.
One poster says "Gov. Asa Hutchinson has declared an official State of Emergency for Arkansas because of the winter storm. This opens up $250,000 from the governor's emergency response fund to help."
I just went out with a ruler and stabbed it into several locations. In the level areas some distance from trees, all were well under 1", generally 3/4" or less.
I just called someone about 8 miles east of me, and she estimates they got about 2".
Only small chances of light snow are predicted for today.
I am still dealing with collecting lost parts of myself from around the universe, which gets interesting sometimes. It is long past the point of specifically male issues and into general soul-parts.
(2:15pm) Super clear blue sky. Supposed to get down to 12F tonight.
I notice that on less conductive surfaces, e.g. an elevated board or the tarp on my woodpile, the accumulated white stuff was more like 2". Even though the ground has been cold for days.
Only got a few fluffy flakes floating around for a short while today.
Feb 5, '22: (7:40am) Sunny and clear except for some distant haze.
At 7am wunderground reported 11F in town, but it was 24-25 here 2 ft off the ground, at least according to my cheap thermometer which might be a few degrees off in that range. No breeze, so i walked around a bit barefoot in a t-shirt before the sun came up. The snow had not even hardened noticeably. In comparison, yesterday felt much colder although it was supposedly several degrees warmer; i didn't check.
A warming trend predicted.
I am feeling unusually good, presumably due to recovering so many lost parts of my soul, an ongoing process. Interestingly, i have not been attacked much since the process started. I think that for a long time they have been using parts of myself against me in attacks but i never realized it. Now if i feel an attack the first thing i do is dowse how many more soul parts i can now feel, and suck them up, and the attack stops. Often i blast the part of space involved and find more parts around there.
That works on the Egyptoid attacks but the few reptilian attacks do not seem to use this method. Nevertheless they are easy to quash.
Feb 6, '22: (4:35pm) More amazing, clear sky today. Snow melting.
Yuck! The "Final Days" lady is sincere, but she tends to believe and promote CIA tripe. Now she is soliciting donations for the CIA proprietary Rahab's Hope of Ohio (vid). Starting at 2:00 we get treated to a bunch of glamorous CIA repticlone prostitutes, looking very happy and well-adjusted, of course. At 3:29 we see a head-to-toes transhuman model jumping rope. Followed by another, black-white-red, with a soccer ball and THighs. Removed 6X9 sexiness spells. Then a 3rd HtT TH with a wheelbarrow.
Everyone depicted in the vid is a CIA RC, and the women are all prostitutes.
Feb 8, '22: (3:15am) Live Starlink Satellite and Coverage Map is an invitation for us to hijack the system. This grid is largely intended to transmit mind control from space AI and also focus on torturing certain types of individuals. I'm putting together an array to focus on overriding their intents with ours. Of course the shifting sources of AI intentions will require ongoing monitoring.
(3:55am) The CIA likes to "tear down" its own proprietaries, e.g. Scientology, Tesla Motors. Now this: Low-cost airlines Frontier and Spirit are mocked online for $6.6bn {66} merger that travelers say will create the 'absolutely worst airline of all time' and passengers will have to 'BYOP (Bring Your Own Pilot)'.
Both of these airlines have a distinct CIA vibe to them.
Article also has a list of 10 of the "Nation's best - and worst - airlines". Delta of course is long-confessed CIA but American also is CIA, and the others all at least have some CIA staff and shill for the CIA.
(10:40am) I have been getting some off-radar USAF harrassment lately, and also a little while ago these guys buzzed me from McConnell AFB in Wichita. Their tracks have some odd angles. The top pic is of the jet that came howling closer. It was heading north but when i clicked on it twice, the northbound path disappeared and it was shown many miles away going south-east. Evidently there are some shenanigans going on with the displays of their flight paths.
In the 2nd pic, the same plane is still in red, in front of the other one.
And another jet (not depicted here) is heading back to McC after looping around a bunch, again showing weird angles, in an area SW of me that is well-busted.
Plus i am getting endless jet noises from off-radar USAF jets, also from McC.
(10:55am) And then a super noisy little prop plane buzzed me. The path clearly showed it originating from the Little Rock AFB. It is registered to one of those special satanist clones who is also USAF.
Sometimes flight radar shows goofy jagged lines but these normalize if one clicks twice on the plane. But again, here, no amount of clicking changed its marked path.
And it's path had a black section in it. For reasons unknown, FlightRadar 24 shows paths in different colors, but normally never 2 colors in same path of same plane.
Note how it made a point of hitting Marshall and Clinton, both very well busted towns.
Meanwhile, another noisy off-radar jet buzzed me from McC.
Feb 10, '22: (10:55am) We DID get several days of remarkably clear skies. Yesterday i only noticed a few little old chem-clouds. But this morning AI was chemming it up to the SW. We shut that down but the clouds remain.
And i have been getting almost non-stop off-radar noisy USAF jets. Plus this one, which made desperate attempts to destroy any sacred energies liberated by my busting. (Click on thumbnail.) Note how it went right over Leslie and Marshall. Also i did a lot recently in Mountain View, so it went over and looped around it.
Today, none of those sharp jagged lines.
Yesterday i came under covert attack by black goo consciousness again. I felt out of sorts for several reasons and did not realize goo was involved until i got behind the wheel of my truck and noticed that the sigil on the visor was active.
Feb 14, '22: (6:40am) Hmmmm... A reader sent me this link to a CIA article China Has Not Administered a Single mRNA Vaccine to Any of Its 1.45 Billion Citizens. True or false? I thought i had better check some imagery of ordinary Chinese people, instead of just the ones in the MSM (nobody appearing in MSM normally has a spike vibe).
Like this video of 2022 Shanghai street scenes. I watched a couple minutes of it, and scanning the crowds, detect NO Covid vibe. Nobody vaxxed. Nobody that has been infected. (At 2:06 there are several Egyptoid satanists BTW.)
But, all the people in Wuhan do feel spikey.
My YT search for Chinese crowds inexplicably turned up a Pattaya, Thailand street vid, so i thought i'd check that too. A few years ago i watched some Pattaya vids of the red-light district, and almost all the whores were MTF.
I watched the first 2 minutes, mainly presenting whores presenting their wares, and inexplicably, now ALL are female! At least in the first 2 minutes. How can this be? All repticlones, too. One had huge silicone tits. None were wearing masks nor did i notice any spike vibes. But no large crowds noted in the vid.
So i skimmed through a vid of Bangkok street scenes, pausing at crowds. Again, NO spike vibes. And very few masks.
Tokyo, same thing. Mumbai street food scene, more masks on the shoppers but still no spike vibe. Cairo, still no spikey vibes.
What's going on?
NYC: even the cover image shows only spike victims. Almost everyone in the vid has a strong spike vibe!
Duesseldorf, Singapore, Manila, Rabat, Kinshasa, Belize, Moscow, all show mostly spiked people!
Feb 19, '22 (2:20pm) I had another 1.25" of rain. Today is warm, sunny, clear with lots of plane racket.
The Navy saw fit to violate my airspace a while ago with a C-130 from Naval Air Station Jacksonville in Florida, a nasty-feeling place packed with repticlones.
2 of these kind of guys were transporting a bunch of repticlones.
(2:35pm) I've been getting strong black goo attacks from space again. It attacked me after i went to bed last night, and also has been attacking me steadily for hours today.
Feb 20, '22: (7:25am) After i grabbed a couple powerful anti-goo devices and clung to them a while, i felt a lot better. No attacks for now.
We are supposed to get 63F today, partly cloudy, and then rain for 3 days. In advance of the latter, the chemmers are busy as usual already, evidenced by the "clouds" drifting in.
A reader sent in some interesting info: Life insurer refuses to cover vaccine death of Parisian who opted for a Covid shot.
"The insurance company justified the refusal of payment to the family by stating that the use of experimental medication or treatments, including Corona injections, is expressly excluded from the insurance contract. The family’s subsequent lawsuit against the insurance company has been unsuccessful.
"The court allegedly justified its ruling as follows: “The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published and the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine. There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.” Since suicide is not covered by the policy from the outset, the insurance {sic} refuses to budge."
This is from an interesting publication which might be sincere, though i see they have something from CIA RC Paul Craig Roberts up.
Feb 21, '22: (3:20pm) Overcast. No rain yet.
Very strange. This loud Lufthansa flight came exactly over my little cabin. But why going north to south, i wondered. Maybe it stopped in Chicago and was going to stop in Little Rock? Nope. It continued heading almost due south until it suddenly turned near Winnfield, Louisiana, straight toward Houston.
Why the strange path?
Feb 25, '22: (10:45am) I did get 2.25" of rain on the night of the 21st. Then nothing the next day. Except that reptilian types 6 through 12 all attacked me at once! But covertly, and as soon as i spotted what was going on, i was able to shut them down quickly.
Then on the 23rd i still got none of the promised freezing rain, just a lot of hard white pellets that stuck, turning the ground white a couple inches deep.
Then the morning of the 24th i noticed ice sticking to the trees for the first time, and i got more light precipitation which also stuck. But not enough to cause damage.
So now i have hard white stuff on the ground (but not slippery) and some stuff stuck on the trees. Small pines bent over. Had to shut down some chem spraying this morning.
I'm continuing to work on my soul parts, feeling better daily. As i mentioned on the forum, there is a new Soul Consolidation program. I used these 2 pieces on other people for some time, then a few days ago turned them on myself, supplementing the big array i have running.
Two days ago i got hit by yet some other "new" ETs. These have a stronghold in Alpha Piscium (pic). They are not getting through to me anymore, but are still nasty.
(3:55pm) Now this plane went right over the usual path that the CIA and their assets love so much.
This plane is registered to a CIA proprietary called Epps Aviation, and here is the CIA repticlone who heads it. Obviously the CIA wants me to out all this or they would not have buzzed me on-radar. Well, i try to stay on good terms with them by doing such invaluable favors.
Dunn & Bradstreet page on Epps. "Epps Air Service, Inc. is located in Atlanta, GA, United States and is part of the Support Activities for Air Transportation Industry. Epps Air Service, Inc. has 150 total employees across all of its locations and generates $74.62 million in sales (USD)."
Feb 28, '22: (9:35am) Finally a warming trend. The last of the hard snow should melt off today. Clear and sunny with bright bright sun right now, and all of yesterday.
Meanwhile, a friend in Portugal sent me a pic of a fake sun there which was radiating toxic vibes from AI In Omega Orionis.
I started blasting the crap out of MIT in Cambridge yesterday, to punish them for being in contempt of Freemasonry's Open Book policy. Gotta defend the noble and upright Masonic principles, ya know.
Well, guess what, in the wee hours this morning i suddenly started flashing on lots of transhumans at MIT. I detect close to 300, and there are probably lots more. It appears a lot of TH and AI R&D and technical development happens at MIT.
Look up google images of MIT students. THs are what mostly come up! Some overtly subsidized ones here.
(9:50am) Note that the above linked article mentions 3 MIT profs who recently died. The last one is Jing Wang, an obvious CIA agent whom i strongly suspect was MTF and TH! The pic is very vibey despite this unit being deceased. I dunno what happened there. Presumably they only had the 1 copy and/or it died in a public setting so had to be "retired". Was it a technical glitch or just a normal heart attack?
Likewise, James Swan feels pretty dodgy. Died at 39.
Lagace may have been OK. Perhaps he got the vax.

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