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Loohan's blog for March, 2022
Mar 3, '22: (8am) Funny how on the 28th they predicted "sun and clouds mixed" for the afternoon. Accurate enough except that there were absolutely no natural or hybrid clouds at all, just real obvious chem-smear and and a few thick trail segments.
Other than that it has been impeccably clear and sunny every day, as far as i noticed. Highs up in the 70s daily. Today is supposed to get to 78F.
I had neglected to monitor the Starlink sats for a few days, so they got re-energized by space AI and were involved in an attack on me just now.
(9:20am) Still working on those sats! They got a bunch of space AI juicing them still. In North America Nebula currently.
In the last couple weeks we have had various lulls of enemy activity, in which very few U bases worldwide got activated to emit evil vibes. These lulls last from a few hours to a day or 2 normally. Then they will launch a bunch of attacks. We have now been in such a lull for at least 2 days.
I do not know how related this might be to the large new unit i was working on. Every time i'd pour another quart of epoxy, i would feel another powerful shift of energy.
March 7, '22: (4:05am) Just survived another "dangerous" storm touted as having chances of tornadoes and larger hail. I was right in the center of the danger zone strip given yesterday, but it is Iowa (hundreds of miles north of me) that got creamed with deadly tornadoes. Still getting periodic slight rain here.
I aimed a bunch of chem-busters, wands, and other directional "weapons" into the approaching storm south-west yesterday. Of course i have no way to determine what, if any, effect this had. I got a strong downpour and some tiny hail in the evening but no strong wind.
We are still in a big lull in the U base attacks. Well, there have been some breaks in the lull, especially in the Toronto area, but by and large, i am seldom finding active bases in the usual areas i check.
I just scanned the planet on Google Earth and could find no areas of turpitude.
We did have to deal with a bunch of previously-unknown ETs that had a heavy presence under Dana Point, CA, and were attacking an individual there. No doubt there are still lots more of these critters hidden.
March 8, '22: (6:25am) Total off that storm was 2.5".
March 14,'22: (11:30am) I had another snow, which accumulated almost 4" on some surfaces. All melted off now. Yesterday was warm and sunny. Overcast now with faint drizzle at times.
A while ago TWO no-callsign USAF jets came right over the usual harrassment path, one right behind the other, from the Wichitah AFB. Having traversed a long distance at the proper angle, the pedophile satanist parasites then veered left at Memphis. I don't know why this says ACTUAL 3:07 PM when they took off from Wichita not long ago, and apparently landed somewhere while i had my back turned. They lie a lot.
I have been getting many off-radar flights buzzing me too.
March 25, '22: (2:15pm) I've had another 3" of rain.
I believe this may be the first Army plane i've noticed going through the usual preferred path. Piloted by by 2 of those special satanist clones.
Yesterday evening i heard what sounded like 2 C-130s with a USAF vibe, buzzing me from the Wichita AFB, off-radar.
This morning had a USAF C-130 from Montgomery Airport in Alabama vibrate me, possibly just a coincidence.
And i keep getting off-radar flights of various sorts, including an earth-shaking 2-rotor chopper this morning barely clearing the trees on the upper part of my property. But that one also might not have been deliberate harassment (just everyday Egyptoid contempt for life).
March 29. '22: (4pm) Yesterday morning was the worst chem i had seen in a long time. New trails and old blotted out most of the sky for hours. I had to keep marking astronomical quantites of space AI robots that seemed responsible. Finally in the early afternoon there were far fewer bots to be found, though smaller quantities continued to be activated. (Which is still occuring now.)
But the sky mostly cleared up very quickly once they ran low on expendable bots; like mostly clear and blue except for a few relatively new trails.
I suspect it was my orgone stuff that was responsible for the dramatic clearing, though of course i can't prove it.
I have been making more radical, advanced orgone devices which i have been posting about on the forum.
Currently overcast but i can feel that there is AI chemming (or pseudo-chemming or whatever the heck it is) happening. Any time i scan i find a bunch more chem-bots activated. Another "potentially dangerous" southern storm is brewing, though not likely to be as bad in my area. Fairly windy now though.
March 30, '22: (5:40pm) I got right at 1 inch of gentle rain. And just now, a tiny sprinkle started up again.
For some time i have wondered how long it has been since this planet has had any actual independent nation-states, i.e. not just Vatican territories pretending to be autonomous. Centuries?
No, it's looking a lot more recent than i thought. Take Libya. As far as i can tell. Gaddafi was not a Mason or COTHS. Libya was in line with the Masonic agenda. Gaddafi kicked them out when he took power.
Then there was a revolution in 2011, and some claim it was instigated by the US etc because Gadaffi was seriously going against the agenda. Looking at old pix and vids, yes, feels like many of the "rebels" were CIA agents.
I looked up pix and vids of Gaddafi, and he does not do the Masonic gestures or show their colors. One vid shows his family living in a large tent devoid of ostentation. Whether this was truly their main domicile i don't know.
But note that Libya was already in the fold long before Gaddafi. It was likely a fluke that he would take over in a coup. And inevitable that it would be "corrected".
Libya just got a new CIA RC honcho, to replace the old one.
The whole Libyan government is CIA. I had not spotted this country before as another CIA colony.

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