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Loohan's blog for March, 2020
March 8, 2020: (10:25am) Relatively dry lately, warmer. Bad chemtrails yesterday.
A few new copyable hardware cloth designs recently added to the forum thread.
SpaceX satellite launch raises questions: Who owns the sky? Article has image of a string of these satellites. Will the allies let them live? Not sure. For now we are exploiting the sats to track down the CIA AI bases on- and off-world so obviously connected to them.
March 10, '20: (5:20pm) Had more small rain, less than 0.2" but the soil is still damp. Sun broke out this afternoon.
The pic is from Slovenia yesterday afternoon. The area has been slammed by AI chem and U bases lately. My friend had bad chem cover and said:Btw in the morning some ribby corona-pgmed stuff in the air. I still feel how it works to impose/implant the virus symptoms vibe/impression/belief directly into ur bone marrow.
It's gone in minute when dowsed 707hz for it.
There are 2 noteworthy things about the pic aside from the reported sudden disappearance of the chem cover merely from dowsing a freq:
One, that sun looks and feels fake.
Two, that orb on the left is a craft containing 2 of Cmdr Norhont's guys.
On Feb 8, '19 i blogged about these guys: "They hail from the Cocoon Galaxy region and seem pissed off about something... These Cocoonians... i think are the same kind of humans as my friends in M82. But in M82 they only comprise a few million individuals. I think ages ago a few left the Cocoon area and colonized a tiny piece of M82... Then again, the Cocooners seem comprised mainly of 3 benign races. At least one of them might not be very human-like."
I think these orb guys are the ones not very human-like.
March 11, '20: (5:15pm) Caught the tail end of a storm last night, got another slightly less than 0.2", then some sun in the PM.
I believe the main source of the problems we've been dealing with in Slovenia is likely the AI, Egyptoids, etc. in Beta Aurigae. Can use some blasting help.
March 12, '20: (7:50am) Heavy fog again this morning. Supposed to get up to 76 F today.
One reader at least interpreted the 707Hz freq as a universal freq against the corny-virus fear program sent by AI (which actually i have so far felt nothing of, although reportedly it is hitting some areas). No, i'm pretty sure it was just a one-time freq for that situation and location. However, this suggests that numbers are dowsable for the same phenomena elsewhere.
Thanks for the help with Bete Aurigae. Feels better now. Currently the AI in Constellation Hydra is after the Slovenia territory.
March 13, '20: (4:45pm) More drizzly weather.
A couple blog readers (who apparently don't follow the forum) asked me what i think of the Coronavirus thing. Well, excuse me, but you don't really need my opinion much on matters of current events in the media. Just educate yourself about symbolism in staged pics and look at the images thrown at you. I have even painfully mined the browser-crashing Daily Mail tabloid for you, and selected some of the juicier items to post on this thread. Anyone with a few brain cells, looking at the evidence the media flaunts, must conclude that either Corona virus does not exist at all, or else it does exist but its danger has been exaggerated wildly.
That much should be evident to anyone studying how staged and laughable many of these images are.
Now if you want my opinion as a dowser, i am pretty sure it is TOTAL FICTION. So far the only images of the purported virus have been vibeless CGI creations in Masonic colors and now even with triangle clusters.
March 14, '20: (11:05am) More light rain and heavy fog. Tomorrow is supposed to be overcast with no rain, then 3 days of rain after that. Yes, wet springs seem to be the norm in recent years. Last year my mint had little flavor and my strawberries mostly rotted from all the rain. And my lettuce got so stressed it hardly grew, then got munched by cabbageworms for the first time! Luckily i was able to get more starts later.
This Corona op is special. They actually shut down a lot of businesses, cancel a bunch of festivities and sports events they so seem to love, etc. Economic pandemonium. Must be worth it to them.
I drove into town yesterday early afternoon, and the Exxon station said $1.80.9/gallon for regular! I dunno how many years it has been since gas was below $2. Then this morning it was down to 1.65.9! And the other station up the road is often a few cents cheaper, but i didn't check.
March 15. '20: (8:05am) No rain today, supposedly, but heavy fog now and cold.
Italian newspaper obituary page has expanded from one to ten pages in town where 146 people have died in ONE WEEK - as secret memo reveals over-80s could be 'left to die'. Interesting! This feels like actual "retired" repticlones. Meaning they are terminating some for the hoax. Or if we're lucky, this is a trend that will continue until they have retired all COTHS, having recognized defeat. Hopefully they will tidy up some of their worst messes before they go.
March 16, '20: (7:20am) Actually, it did drizzle faintly yesterday. Now it is supposed to start raining again. Fog.
With all this Corona-hype i am surprised to see this ad link on wunderground: Louisiana Bon Temps.
It's the time of year when festivals sprout up all over Louisiana, bringing everyone together to let the good times roll, or "laissez le bon temps rouler." And we certainly do. Come join us during Louisiana Bon Temps and experience our one-of-a-kind culture at 400+ festivals celebrating everything from Blues to Beignets, Jazz to Jambalaya, and much more. Because when you're ready to have some fun, we already are...
Whenever or Wherever You're Going There's A Festival For You.
(10:20am) A voice approaching the truth from the CIA. Remember, they are on all sides of every manufactured issue, often including de-bunking it. Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist? Of course, they use the opportunity to throw more disinfo around.
March 17, '20: (2:35pm) Well, i got 1.5" off this system so far, and more to come, supposedly. Grey and overcast today.
More truth-approaching from the CIA: The Coronavirus Hoax -- Written by Ron Paul (actually by someone in Langley)The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis...
The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?
People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus “pandemic” could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.
Plus some disinfo, of course.
March 18, '20: (9:40am) Got another 0.4" and it is still grey. Dense fog earlier.
I am getting cabin fever, all these drippy, breezy days. Maybe i should go out for a busting run? What do you think? Gas must be super cheap now, and the roads pretty clear. But i am an old geezer with a pre-existing condition of alopecia; will i survive? Dare i risk it? Maybe i can stock up on Sarah Lee instant cake mix, Mountain Dew, OTC meds, toilet paper, and stuff.
Yeah, think i'll go for it. Pray for me.
(3:30pm) Well, i drove down some foggy roads and busted the Blanchard Springs area. Recently we dealt with an amazing amount of CIA underground stuff in the area remotely, and i wanted to make sure we got it all. I had never busted there. Didn't flush anything more up. Went east on 14 to Sylamore, a stretch i had never busted. [Update: i see that google maps no longer recognizes the town of Sylamore, and is calling it Allison now. Yet the signs there say Sylamore, and Wikipedia still gives that location the name i am familiar with.] Went down to Mountain View and bought a few things at WalMart. I noticed the shelves of canned goods were pretty empty! Not that i wanted any except maybe a few sardines. I was able to get bananas and a fresh container of organic spring greens, probably teeming with lethal coronaviruses but who cares. My winter crop of lettuce fizzled when i had to go to VA last fall, so i am reduced to buying salad greens.
Gas was still 1.65.9 at the local Exxon, but in Mtn View the cheapest was 1.99.9, and some was much higher. Like 2.59.9 for regular! Strange...
Then by 2pm or so everything had dried up, the sun was occasionally peeking slightly through the cloud cover (part chem) and it got warm.
(4:20pm) Wow, fiction is stranger than fact! Meet St. Corona, the patroness of plagues and pandemics. What are those Bugs Bunny ears in the first pic? And why does she have a Masonic M hand sign over her heart in the 2nd? Anyway, this is a very powerful saint who will rescue the faithful from the virus. If we survive, it will be thanks to her!
March 20, '20: (4pm) Overcast, mild day. Total rain from previous few days is over 2".
Went into town this morning, and Exxon regular was $1.40.9! Out of curiousity i checked the competing Shell station up the road, and it too was 1.40 if you pay cash. I still have gas, though. Waiting for it to go down more.
'Just stop it please': Tearful nurse urges the public to stop panic buying food after she was unable to buy basic items. "The nurse took to Facebook from the seat of her car to tell the nation: 'So I've just come out the supermarket. There's no fruit and veg and I had a little cry in there.' "
She lives on a different plane of reality than i do. Which world do most of the readers live in, the one in which people STOCKPILE perishable PRODUCE? In my warped dimension, fresh produce does not keep that long for the most part, and people stockpile CANNED goods and other things with a shelf life. There was plenty of produce at WalMart 2 days ago.
(5:10pm) Generally, attacks are getting weaker, but just a few minutes ago a real loud and realistic AI drone chopper came over my cabin. I ran out and hastily snapped pix; best i could do. Traces to CIA AI#1 in the Canopus area. Canopus was attacking me earlier today too.
Most of the aircraft noise i have heard in recent days is AI fakery.
March 21, '20: (6:25pm) Sun came out some and it got to at least 60F today.
I just watched part of the latest The Final Days video. She shows what appears to be a huge object with triangles in the sky. And gives the most ludicrous explanations based on her studying CIA garbage from the likes of this hand-signing repticlone with Blessed to Teach.
But what is it, really? I dunno! I started getting some slight energy feedback after blasting it for some minutes. Might be some AI hologram psyop type thing -- that's my take on it so far. I am blasting shifting locations in space of AI bases that it traces to.
March 24, '20: (12:40pm) Got another 3/4" of rain, and it has been very foggy all day so far.
In recent days, the evil reptilian ETs (pic) have gotten vibey again. Most of the races depicted. 3 of the races were attacking a few people before i blasted them a few days ago. I don't detect that they are doing anything these last 2 days, but they are somewhat vibed up after a long hiatus.
I like to think they are coming forth now because the other bad guys are shrinking fast in number and power. Attacks from offworld CIA have gotten weak these last couple nights... knock on wood.
(3:15pm) The sun actually came out briefly.
There is a new resin program out, from the friend in Europe behind the Nu Ndz Program. After considerable agonizing, we settled on the name March2020 Program for it (the alternatives were less wieldy). I haven't actually poured any yet but i put 10 drops of silicone getting this program onto a hardware cloth piece i was guided to make for it: pic. I will probably pour some in a couple days.
March 27, '20: (9pm) Had a couple warm days. I just tanked up in town at $1.19.9/gallon.
This bombshell report was just sent me by a reader:
What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Refers to Wuhan Coronavirus as "Luhan Virus" (VIDEO). I didn't watch the vid there because it demanded that i install a special player, but it's also on YT.
March 30, '20: (6:40pm) A couple days ago i again got just under 0.2" and Jonesboro got a tornado (nowhere near me). It has been raining a bit this afternoon, too, and i may get an inch tonight.
This morning i felt i should take advantage of the cheap gas and low traffic to spread some Loohan virus. When there is little traffic, i can often cruise real slow, deeply dredging the environment and underground with my bust-mobile. I went west and south. Some of the roads had already been busted with Channel boogers, but i tossed the occasional azezzed pebble, and stopped when convenient to insert Channel wands.
Other roads had only been busted with earlier stuff, and some i had never been on. Like 123 from Sand Gap to Lamar.
I dowse that i stabbed in 58 dual Channel wands this trip.
The cheapest gas i noticed was 1.62.9 until i got back to Leslie where it was still 1.19.9. I stopped at the WalMart in Morrilton for a few things. There was plenty of produce and i got some more salad greens and bananas. I only noticed 2 people in the store with masks on, non-COTHS.

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