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Loohan's blog for April, 2020
April 12, '20: (8:40am) Since last report i have had 2.7" of rain, exactly 1" of it last night. Should get more today.
Ran into some interesting stuff in HI. Joe has a "targeted" correspondent who has a military Egyptoid brother, and i have been tracking down the U bases he is connected to. He has been flying around and visiting these bases in some capacity, All have nasty vibes of black goo, AI#1&2, Egyptoids, etc. A couple U base connections were directly under overt military bases.
So a while ago I found such a U base near and connected to Waiawa Correctional Facility in Hawaii. According to this, it "is located in Waipahu Hawaii. It is a minimum security facility that can house approximately 574 adult males. All inmates incarcerated here must participate in substance abuse treatment or academic programs." Whereas, according to this reference, it "is a 334-bed, minimum-security prison for sentenced male inmates. WCF provides an environment that helps inmates successfully re-enter the community from prison. All inmates participate in education or substance abuse treatment programs." I presume that if it can house 574 males but only has 334 beds, there is a lot of bed-sharing going on.
But i doubt anyone there is a prisoner. It seems to be exclusively repticlones with a military vibe in the pix, and something weird is going on there involving somehow AI. Also it is a hoax hub:
Waiawa Correctional Facility inmates sewing masks by the thousands. "In an effort to prevent COVID-19 from further spread, inmates from the Waiawa Correctional Facility began sewing thousands of cloth face masks." Article depicts 4 RC males with a military vibe wearing bright red shirts and sitting at sewing macinies. A likely story.
Prison officials: Waiawa escape may have been planned for weeks. Article depicts only military RCs.
People don't escape from prison any more than they succeed at bank robberies or win multi-million dollar lotteries. Such stories are always planted to induce members of the duped and oppressed minority to do regrettable and costly things due to false hopes. You will not win MegaMillions. You will not walk out of a bank with wads of cash. You will not escape once they got their metal restraints around you. Unless it's one of those minimal-security halfway-house type scenes for petty offenders, where they let you go out, expecting you to return.
In this case, why would inmates in an easygoing prison preparing them for societal re-entry plot to escape, unless they were a bit crazy?
Inmates become farmers at the Waiawa Correctional Facility and shows again 4 mil RCs, now harvesting lettuce. I think this article is basically true though, insofar as the phony inmates are growing some veggies there.
Makahiki Ceremony at Waiawa Correctional Facility pix on FB. Inmates find healing and spiritual strength with Makahiki events. Another such article. This is staged BS! These are not prisoners or residents of the facility! They even flaunt this by showing many women, especially in the first pic. They all initially had a clean vibe, and i thought they might be regular people, but after blasting them and noting the overt hand signs in some pics, they vibed up as Egyptoids. But these are not military or into black magic, black goo, etc that i detect. Many Egyptoids are "positive" and "keep their noses clean" as they shill for, and collaborate with, the most horrid negative stuff.
(9:45am) Our friend in Europe has come up with another program that goes into plain resin. He imbued it with Christ intents and calls it the Redeemer Program. It is strong; these cubes are only 9X9X9mm (numerically informing us of the religion of the mold-makers). But it goes into any shape.
My impression is, it weakens the resolve of evildoers to sin.
April 13, '20: (noon) Got another 1/4" yesterday, then the sun came out and the sky was clear and it was nice. Then 1" last night with rolling thunder and a bit of lightning.
Tornadoes raised hell in the deep South.
A reader sent me a couple YT links of interest.
This vid shows a fake sun emitting "tentacles" of apparent energy to strike the Earth. The channel is worth checking out in general. I got a bunch more space bases off some images there of fake suns.
This vid i did not watch much of. The guy talks a lot in a heavy accent. Around 4:10 he shows what looks like a typical dancing UFO, the kind i normally get no vibe off of. And i did not get a vibe off this one either, until i saw the bigger still pic around 8:00, and have been blasting it since. It has the usual CIA AI/Etoid vibe, which i traced to a DORy location in space, and marked a bunch of bases. The guy calls it Nibiru. I don't know what it is, just that it needs to be fried more.
April 16, '20: (9:05am) Sunny, clear morning!
I did not sleep much night before last due to nausea attacks from all over space. But last night i slept real well with no attacks noticed.
Yesterday evening Nadee and i were contemplating these large artificial structures such as
the ones seen on The Final Days and Donny of Daytona YouTube channels. WHY do these structures persist? Why don't the allies take them out? Could it be they are not in our dimension, even though photographable? And our allies cannot reach them?
Almost immediately, Nadee had me grab this passive unit she had me make a year or two ago, as well as this little dial box from 2007, and hook them up. The big box was mostly empty. It has a double potentiometer with 2 controls on 1 knob, and a few little resin devices taped in. A radio antenna poking out. She had me take out all the loose stones in it, and gradually put a few of them back as we put the device into service, twisting all the knobs and adjusting the antenna every few minutes.
The device is able to reach the artificial structures and light them up. It turns out that the huge finned object i posted a pic of last month also still exists and is now energetically lit up.
Although so far the allies still don't seem able to destroy these things, i have the impression that merely blasting them may be disabling them. It may be that the reason i have hardly had any attacks on myself since is because we have disabled some related attack infrastructure that was involved.
We will wait and see if there is any difference in what is reported from the sky cams. Whether the sky machinery is still able to function as before is unknown.
It FEELS like something is happening...
(12:45pm) After a hiatus, Slovenia is getting chemmed again, now in fabulous gay lavender. As usual, all i get is a space AI vibe. Friend sent the pic.
(5pm) Mildly warm, sunny and fairly windy here.
After i posted, Nadee had me add a few things into that box, plus a couple crystals on top. And she adjusted the programming in a large, complex unit to also weasel into the other-dimensional space or whatever, where these machines reside. Then after a while, Ta'l started taking them out! I get that so far they have taken out 89 machines, including the big finned thing and the items in the thumbnail here. Some of these were flying craft with AI robots aboard.
It seems only the Ta'l, of all our allies, are able to get in there and smite this garbage.
April 17, '20: (3:40pm) Grey day, currently drizzly and cool.
Nasty electronics company to avoid: Presonus. A musician friend bought some of their stuff and the pre-amp had a super toxic harsh vibe which traced to an AI base under this big lake in China which google oddly refuses to label with a name! At least for me. And the speakers to another AI base under Tibet. And there is a crapload of U bases going down to Yunnan etc currently being taken out.
(4pm) And their software has a vibe from AI bases under east India. Fellow blasters can help me by frying all their products to light up the bases.
(7:40pm)) This is one seriously connected company. The products still feel freaky, and we are still getting U bases off them in quantities, but also this activity lit up the higher-ups in Serpens Caput and Pegasus. I am reaming those now.
April 18, '20 (5:35am) I re-checked everything and it appears we have now cleaned up the Presonus mess.
(8:10am) I get the impression that the brightness of the real sun has jumped up another notch recently. I noticed this a couple days ago, and again just now. Only a few wisps of chem around this morning. The sun is so bright i can't even look anywere near it.
Funny that the Masons have sun symbols while they strive to cover it up with fakery.
If your sun is not super bright it must be either behind a lot of chem and/or behind a fake sun.
(6pm) I had not noticed fake planes in a couple weeks or so, but at 8:35am a fake red propeller plane flew low over my cabin.
April 25, '20: (12:55pm) I have had another 1.7" of rain. Today the sun is trying to come out here and there.
I uploaded a sky map pic useful for dowsing locations of attackers etc. Less detail but also less cumbersome and resource-consuming than online navigable map software.
Gas is down to 1.12.9/gal here now.
I did hear 2 fake planes day before yesterday.
(3:55pm) I found a pic of a working 5G tower far from other EMF sources for getting a clean impression of the vibe. The RC workmen and the tower are energetically connected to various AI/Egyptoid targets.
(5:10pm) Normally i just mentally connect my devices to targets, but due to a certain slipperiness i think with 5G it is better to use a witness, such as a print-off of the pic or relevant portion thereof. Another way is to take a thumb drive, flash card, or the like, format it, and put the pic on it. It is important, i feel, to NAME it well. I named it 5Gnetwork.jpg because i want to fry all connections and components of the network. Then i put it on a small thumb drive i wasn't using, and stuck it in a powerful, massive, complex, network-buster machine i made many years ago. Right away the vibe of the image changed! Whereas i had already tried to mentally quantum entangle the target with the device with lackluster effectiveness.
This is tower on Mt Everest, BTW.
April 26, '20: (1:50pm) Nice sunny day for doing garden chores. Super bright sun.
Maybe a coincidence, but right around the time i put that thumb drive in my monsta machine, space attacks on people seem to have seriously waned. Seems to suggest that maybe the 5G network is tied into mechanisms that help them attack from space, surprise surprise.
Nevertheless a while ago i heard several CIA propeller planes cruise by, each going from one AI U base area to another.
April 27, '20: (1:55am) Yeah, something has changed. I woke up after maybe 3 hours of sleep for unknown reasons. I didn't have to pee or anything so why did i wake up? Why do i feel awake, and unable to get back to sleep? Don't feel under attack...
After a while i realized i WAS under subtle attack from cloaked CIA AI U bases. Normally in recent times that would be offworld. But no, this was Western Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere... Central America.
So i get up, fire up the computer, and start blasting bases under Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Soon i have thousands of them vibing from the southern 1/2 of MX to Panama.
And that's where things stand right now. Hot action as bases are being addressed, but there are still many more that need frying.
I started around Managua and that still feels like the heart of it.
(8:05am) Overcast, faint drizzle. Supposed to be grey and warm with chances of sprinkles today.
I did sleep a few more hours. That area feels pretty mopped up now except the entire mountainous area of MX, from Oaxaca up into a bit of the southern US, is being worked. It is stll full of little CIA bases, many of them drug-traffic oriented.
The offworld universe is not giving me any DORy spots now! Not that the enemies are gone, they just seem unable to attack here without the network working properly. I am still monitored, and a few AI bases up there will still send a few demons immediately if one of my wives comes around to visit, but otherwise...
I am curious to see if weather mod and chem behavior will mellow out now...
(1:35pm) Cool pic of a fake plane sent to me. This traces to a Nato AI U base under south Groningen, Holland. I actually worked that area over a lot many years ago.
Also my friend in Slovenia is getting attacked by U bases under Croatia etc. Sometimes they will relay the energy via another area.
(2:30pm) The pic had a vibe which seemed to be just the Grongingen connection stuff. But now the chem in the pic has vibed up again. I presume the seemingly fake chem is floating around and being activated by another base under Weener, DE.
(3:20pm) Weener base now gone, and now Hambergen, Germany is taking over the chem vibing.
April 28, 2020: (7:15am) Things pretty much settled down shortly after i posted last, but then last night a similar thing happened from almost 180 degrees away from me: Baffin Island. And the middle of the island still feels nasty with deep bases, like over 50 miles down.
April 29, 2020: (6am) And this morning they did more of the same, except it was only some bases between California and Hawaii, and no AI, just Egyptoids. Some bases were as much as 90 miles below sea bottom.
And a Slovenia activist and the local sky got attacked by offworld CIA AI bases under Russia!
BTW when i say CIA U base, especially these days, that usually is not the Langley-run Earth-based agency but rather space aliens.
Another person in Slovenia did get attacked from Bootes, though.
Had a thunderstorm last night coming in from the NW. I'll check the gauge later [0.9"]. They predicted we might get an inch or more, along with damaging winds etc. I worked over the space bases connected to the storm while it was heading this way, though, so it did not seem so scary.
So some space stuff is getting through... In fact Felter keeps urging me to ream different areas.

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