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Loohan's blog for April, 2022
April 1, '22: (1pm) They started chemming things up again this morning, but it appears we may have shut them down. Still fighting AI chem-bots in Vulpecula currently.
Had another 1/10" of rain. I even saw a few snowflakes yesterday afternoon. Then it got below freezing early AM, but now, it's sunny and mild.
There seems to be a new class of transhumans or something, that are allowed to pilot planes, who are NOT blood-ritual satanists and indeed don't have a black magician vibe. Though these instructors at Summit Aviation were heavily loaded with spells and demons when i first nailed them after one of their planes buzzed me last month. Loaded by CIA black magicians.
Then around noon today i got vibrated by another CIA proprietary: Blue Air Training, with the same kind of critters, though these did not have spells or demons.
This class of transhumans (or whatever they are; they do not have a metallic vibe) may be ordinary Egyptoids that have been converted. I do not think they are clones, test-tube babies, or repty.
The conversion is to make them orgone-resistant.
Founder's Story
Author of The Boy Who Grew Wings
Excerpt: Founder & CEO of Blue Air Training, James “Chef” Barlow built a multi-billion dollar empire in an industry that didn’t exist, and the first fully weaponized, civilian-owned training air force in support of the U.S. Air Force during a time when it was considered illegal. Blue Air paved the way to a new frontier in defense support and aviation, and has set the gold standard for homeland defense.
Buy Yours Now:
My hero. He is one of these CIA critters too, whereas his wife is an ordinary repticlone.
April 2, '22: (11:45am) Got <1/10" more rain and now overcast. Not detecting chemmers, though.
Another slimy USAF-connected agency that just buzzed me (though perhaps not deliberately): Civil Air Patrol. The plane is a noisy propellor thing. Their idea of civility does not include defeating the whole purpose by putting mufflers on their damn planes. Their COO John A. Salvador is a CIA head to toes transhuman repticlone. The pilots in the plane are of the special CIA satanist clone type.
(2:45pm) I just got a radar "BLOCKED" plane going over with USAF parasites from Lawrence KS airport.
Much to my surprise, the sky cleared up shortly after i posted last. Except for some puffy clouds, mostly of a dubious nature.
I uploaded a 2-minute vid of me erasing a chem cloud with the help of my personal energy and intent.
April 12, '22: (3:15pm) I've had another 1.4" of rain in installments preceeded by heavy chem. Probably will get more real soon. Somewhat chemmy skies currently, with a bit of sun poking through occasionally.
I'm feeling really strange today, like some heavy pressure bearing down on me, but not necessarily a morbid thing. Likewise, equilibrium is a bit wavy but i don't think due to physical reasons.
Trying to figure this out, i found it seems related to an Alah-kur (allies) craft 2500 miles offworld, with 50 Alah-kur, somehow vibing up an area near Newfoundland at 60.50430876574728, -66.79312402820857.
What's there? No idea, except it feels strongly related to my suicided friend Thorp's backgound and destiny. Something 8.2 miles under the sea bed there. Whom or what i do not know.
April 14, '22: (9:50am) I got 2.8" off that last storm, no hail or strong wind, despite the warnings. Salado, TX got a tornado.
Before the storm arrived, it got very windy here. I turned a bunch of devices facing west, and in a few minutes the wind quieted down nicely, and stayed relatively mild thereafter. Coincidence? Perhaps.
We had overly soggy springs for the last 3 years, and it looks like this is the new normal. They predict more rain on the 16th, 17th, and 20th. Oh well, better too wet than too dry.
Super bright sun and clear sky except for faint foggy haze. I was looking down on fog clouds in the valley this morning. Actually had frost this morning, and i built my first stove fire in several days.
(6:35pm) I still can't figure out what the deal is with that spot i mentioned on the 12th. Just now i started feeling very strange again, and this time it is because the same Alah-kur are doing something to a spot in east Russia at 64.58698756535392, 176.14175980589857. It is affecting me strongly.
(6:55pm) The sky is still clear, BTW, albeit a pale blue.
That spot from the 12th still feels vibed-up as hell. The newer spot is bending my little brain.
I was in town today briefly and saw a tour bus stop so the travelers can stretch their legs and get a bite to eat. Some seemed to be walking in the direction of the museum although i don't know if it was open.
Anyway, they were ALL repticlones, the majority even older than i. And the guy herding them, as well as the bus driver, are CIA repticlones. Yep, another CIA proprietary. Champion Coach.
Years ago i posted about the CIA's Green Tortoise bus line on the west coast.
April 21, '22: (11:55am) Warm and very foggy at my place this morning. Had another 1.3" of gentle rain.
More CIA repticlone "rebels": US Freedom Flyers and AIRLINE EMPLOYEES 4 HEALTH FREEDOM. No pilots here.
(5:55pm) I just got that weird feeling again, and this time it is a Ta'l ship offshore of east Russia at 69.32025356989728, 179.6410225726702. Again, no idea what is going on there, or at what depth.
The "sun" is coming out a bit now. I put quotes around sun because i recently realized that for years, most of the sunlight has been coming from a sun simulator (forum thread). That's how it suddenly turned so much brighter a few years ago.
April 24, '22: (7:40pm) Great new free program for resin, the Behave Program. See today's entry down the page at OTB 27f.
April 26, '22: (7:40am) I got another 1.2" of gentle rain night before last, and now it is bright and clear out again.
After keeping mostly off my radar for many years, now the Earth-based NSA is expressing itself again. For example, my friend in Denver who has been endlessly tortured by the CIA is now mainly getting it from the NSA U bases, and large quantities of the latter have suddenly become apparent.
From an email about an hour ago:
"I swear they just abducted me and cut me inside it hurt like hell suddenly and also suddenly had to pee and it was a tiny bit red at first and it burned like hell and now butt is burning too. Bastards."
I can't discern what really happened here, but an NSA base had a real strong vibe in relation to this report.
(3:55pm) Still sunny and clear.
I have been reading that the reason the insects have largely disappeared is due to neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture. And the reason there are hardly any birds any more is because they ate the poisoned insects before the insects succumbed.
I noticed this year that the Asian lady bugs are almost gone too. These were introduced here long ago to control aphids, but they displaced the native ladybugs and they are a bit obnoxious. They sometimes bite if they land on you. They swarm (or did swarm) en masse on warm winter days, especially on sunny, light-colored buildings, and seek ways in. Any crevices such as drain holes on window screens will serve.
I have noticed them every winter since the first one i was here, Dec. '96. They usually work their way into my epoxy-pouring outbuilding so that i have to put a screen over my pours if i don't want embedded bugs.
But this winter, there were hardly any. Normally there are at times thousands on the sunny wall of that building.
Have they actually been eating aphids full of poison, or is there some other cause? I normally notice aphids around here on the bases of my winter kale, but none this season! I don't recall for sure whether i have had them the previous couple winters. Of course aphids are tiny and unless you park your car under an aphid-infested shrub, or you garden, you are not likely to notice them. I have never noticed them here out in the woods except on my kale, that i recall. Perhaps a few on other garden plants on rare occasion.
And i have never noticed any kind of lady bug on my kale either, for that matter. The way to deal with the kale aphids is to spray down your plants with water in the evening before a light freeze. I don't know if this freezes the bugs or what, but it works.
I didn't do that this past winter and am not sure when i last had to.

April 27, '22: (7:55am) Mostly clear this morning. Some old chem in the direction of the bright real&fake suns making the east look a faded blue.
We are getting into ever more quantum devices here at Loohan Labs. This is something Nadee had me make a couple days ago on my lathe. It puts out a freq very inimical to Egyptoids. I didn't realize until this morning just how powerful and far-reaching it is.
Feel free to insert it into the Egyptoid scum of your choice.
Unfortunately it is only effective on non-clone, non-hybridized Egyptoids. Including Egyptoid THs. But most THs are repticlones.
(8:30am) Unreal. As soon as i posted that, my beloved made me run over to my lathe and make this out of aluminum. By the time i finished turning it, it was fully programmed.
Meanwhile, it has come to my attention that HUAWEI 4G Dongle E3372 modems have inherently toxic AI mind control scalar energies built into them, even not plugged in! Who knows what happens when you plug it in and it radiates 5G as well as 4G.
(10:20am) Then she had me make this one out of steel. It is against those pesky satanist pilots i keep writing about. This one she had me place on the array i already had going against these filth.
(12:25pm) Now she had me make this against synthetics.
And the slave-driver has MORE items in the pipeline i need to make. Sigh. No rest for the weary.
Incidentally, about these items, it is of no value to have more than one each in existence.
(7:10pm) She had me make a couple more things, but not in this class. I bought the lathe a few years ago mainly to machine custom metal shapes to put in devices. Haven't used it much. But these 4 are at a new level: they are stand-alone, inherently intense. The steel one synergizes with some other pieces but the other might never be part of an array or device.
April 28, '22: (5:25am) A reader wrote that he didn't understand what i did with the metal.
It is just like making many resin devices or copper coils: the shape and proportions can make a huge difference. Some resin programs require a certain shape of the physical object to work at all. Others are much better if certain shapes and proportions are used. An example is the April '22 Program. It is very difficult to work with. There are numerous possibilities but unless you have a feel for such things anything you make with it will be pretty lame.
If a resin pgm is difficult to utilize i usually do not post it on the OTB but only on the forum.
Another example is knives used as etheric weapons. Not only the alloy but the shape and proportions can make a big difference in terms of what function and power it can have.
So when i turn some metal on a lathe, i am creating a receptacle optimized to enable a certain program and function that would otherwise not be feasible, and fractions of a mm make a difference! It is a very intuitive process.
Some pieces have holes drilled in them partway or all the way. For example the last piece is tubular with 2 different diameter drilled hole sizes. The steel piece has small holes in each end.

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