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Loohan's blog for May 2018
May 3, '18: (9am) A long way from the Vatican: Australia's highest ranking Catholic George Pell to stand trial on a number of historical sexual offence charges...
Blatant lie. If you're on Planet Earth, you are NEVER a long way from the Vatican.
Repticlone hoax actor, repticlone Vatican-run court system.
I keep running into weird stuff on Google Sky. Yesterday evening i got hit by AI from around here (screen capture), right where the universe changes zoom levels. At first i thought it was a glitch in my browser. Then i got hit from a few other places not that far away...
Then suddenly from a completely different area far away ----->
Compare with the one i posted a month ago.
I didn't pay much attention to the rain forecast yesterday. I think it said 20% chance of small rain today. But it has been raining hard on and off for hours, with occasional thunder. The thunder has moved off into the distance now.
May 8, '18 (7:05am) I got 3 inches off that storm. Now summer has hit, 90s weather, trees have greened up, Sweet Rocket is in bloom. I planted cuke and bean seed. Bumblebees have been buzzing around my comfrey flowers for weeks.
Got hit from here this morning by AI.
(4:15pm) So weird. Now i'm getting hit by AI here.
What does Google know about at these spots that they don't want us to see?
May 10, '18: (6:35pm) Another groovy spiritual repticlone site: Vesica. "The True Rosicrucian and Holy Grail Traditions". They even teach Egyptian BioGeometry.
A drone saved a cute puppy and suddenly robots don't seem so terrifying after all. Meet the Lucknow Man Who Built a Drone to Rescue a Stranded Puppy. Repticlone.
FBI Raids California Mayor, Marijuana Dispensary On Bribery Charges. Translation: FBI repticlones raid CIA repticlones.
May 14, '18: (4:30pm) Real strange. On the 3rd i posted that i was being hit from the seam where the universe changes zoom levels on Google Sky (pic). Then a couple days ago, AI kept hitting me from various areas along this seam. It runs a long distance horizontally on Google Sky (Google Earth does not work on my OS, which is why i don't use it lately). They kept hitting me from this area for about 24 hours, then no more from there. But this morning they started up again from there.
Sometimes it is from the zoomed-in side, and sometimes from the zoomed-out side. Right now they are hitting me from here but if you move horizontally you can see this is a very long seam.
Hot weather here.
(5:20pm) But now, the attacks from The Seam seem to have quit. Maybe they were a distraction? Onto a new trail now...
May 15, '18: (6:30am) We took care of some interesting stuff, which seemed to stall the attacks somehow, but now they started again, from Google's Edge of the Universe (link). You can see there is a narrow strip where the universe changes zoom levels, and above that, just whiteness. Sometimes lately i have been getting attacked from this Edge.
(3:45pm) The interesting stuff i referred to this morning involved Enjaroids and Draco along with the usual suspects. And now the Enjies and AI are hitting me unusually hard from that little margin of zoom-out [i meant zoom-in] at the edge of the universe.
However, i just tried Google Earth for the first time this year, and now it works! Must be the Ubuntu updates responsible. The spot they are hitting me from looks like this on G.E. (screen capture).
Cooler, overcast today.
BTW i just found out that the forum is refusing all new applicants. Probably has for a while. This is a mistake and i have written my admin.
([9:30pm?]) The AI and Enjaroid attacks died down and then i sensed some new species attacking me from here. As soon as i started nailing these, i got hit by a bunch of AI bots here, far away. And that second place also has these same other ETs in abundance. They seem physical but neither reptilian nor Egyptoid.
Repticlone says that the risk of damage to electronics from nuclear-caused EMPs has been greatly exaggerated: synopsis of David Hathaway's book "EMP Hoax". Wouldn't surprise me.
I got onto this by an article by a CIA repticlone: EMP: An Elaborate Hoax or a Legitimate Threat?.
May 16, '18: (9:15am) Those new ETs don't hammer me, they attack more subtly. It is probably only due to my programmed knives vibing that i even noticed them when i did. Once blasted they evoked a bit of nausea. But i think i got some help when i posted, and ended up sleeping well. But now i noticed them subtly attacking again, from a new location.
(10:30am) There are millions more of these ETs in a location a reader brought to my attention: Orion Nebula, NGC 1976, M42.
(4pm) Just got jumped from here. Not much to see, but there are at least 8 million of these new ETs in this region. Also AI, Egyptoids.
(5:05pm) And now, i got jumped from here by some other unfamilar species. There are lots of Egyptoids here, too.
(8:55pm) So strange. Attacks were under control so i scrolled through Google Earth -->Sky until i found a nasty spot, and zoomed in on this. I was wondering if Google Earth had these patches too. Although this one looks more like it might have some plausible explanation...
Anyway, this spot has werewolves, AI, Chungoids, Fultzoids, SSers, Etoids,...
May 17, '18: (8:10am) Huh. In the past the problem i had with Google Earth was that invariably it would close itself within seconds of opening it. But for 2 days it worked perfectly. This morning it won't even open at all. I can't even uninstall it; no response whatsoever when i try. And this was after i cleared it with Bleachbit.
Later i will try re-starting my puter to see if it re-loads Google Earth. But now i am using Google Sky, and once again, they are hitting me from the narrow band of zoom-in at the edge of the universe. Specifically from here at the moment. Or so it appears on GS. It may be that due to distortions of representation, the actual locations do not visually resemble the imagery.
Overcast. Yesterday was very pleasant, high around 75. Got sprinkles last night, more lite rain forecast.
(10:30am) Wonderfully cool. I have the windows open and it's 68 F in here.
After re-starting my computer, Google Earth works fine again.
On Google sky i am still attacked from the zoom-in margin, but on GE it looks like this.
AI, Etoids, Chungoids, Enjaroids...
May 18, '18: (3pm) Censored by RT: Usually i don't bother to post on Comments sections, but on this page i took the trouble to write Hamas, Mossad, etc. work together on endless hoaxes. Often it is Mossad (who incidentally is behind BDS/anti-BDS hoaxers) agents pretending to be Palestinian victims of Israeli aggression!
They are all MASONS. There are no nation-states. World "leaders" are empty hoax actors. There are no conflicts between nations as nations are a hoax. There is only the Vatican running administrative hoax districts via Freemasonry. And yanking everyone's chains with their media, whether MSM or "alt".
There are no Rohingya Muslims, Falun Dafa victims, Muslim terrorists, conflicts with China, Russia, Iran, etc. It is all BS. Look closely at the images they present.
after logging in with gmail. As soon as i posted, the post vanished with no trace (but i had copied it). Much weirder, when i tried to re-enter the text, i noticed i was logged in under a fictitious handle: I have never used Loohan77 and don't know of any such dot com.
Initially it had asked me to sign in with FB, Google, Twitter, whatever. i chose Google because i don't have the other accounts. Normally if i sign into something new with Google in that manner, i get a pop-up from Google making sure i actually want to compromise my privacy that way, and i have to acknowledge to sign in. But when i tried that on RT, it skipped that step and gave me a nonexistent handle and domain.
Made an odd discovery: brass-plated steel takes both of our brass programs -- not only the plating but the steel does. More info on OTB 27f.
(6:10pm) The forum has been hacked again. Members please change your passwords ASAP.
May 22, '18 (12:50pm) 80% chance of rain, they said this morning, 0.32". So around 11:30 a small, precision thundercloud came over and dumped 0.6" in a matter of minutes. Maybe more as i suspect that some must have splashed out of the gauge in the intense downpour.
We needed it too, as it has gotten dryer and hotter lately.
More red storm fragments seem to be heading this way on the map.
Another CIA proprietary: WebJoint. How a Blockchain Startup Is Going to Free the Cannabis Industry from Banker Control. If you look up images of CEO Christopher Dell'Olio, you will see hand signs. CIA repticlones. And the US legal cannabis industry is mostly CIA. And banking and CIA are both subsiduiaries of the Vatican.
Power to the people right on.
May 23, '18: (7:35am) Overcast. Didn't get any more rain yet but we are given good chances over the next couple days.
Another weird Google Earth -->Sky capture. I got hit this morning by AI bots from 18UMa, a named star in Ursa Major. So why does Google paste over it like this?
(8:50pm) We did get some more rain and likely will get still more. Got nice and cool.
I reported a while back that some Egyptoids were suiciding by going underground. Then that apparently stopped. But now, several Egyptoids in Lagos, Nigeria have recently been replaced by repticlones, suggesting they suicided. I blasted the replacements and they suicided, too. Hmmm, this is odd because lately they have been making clones which can resist blasting and not go underground. This is what they usually use now for their role-players, hoax actors, entertainers, etc. in the media. As well as stalkers etc. And these were stalkers.
Anyway i detected that they were being replaced from a U base in Nigeria which had 600+ repticlones, gotten from another African base which had 3700+, gotten from a hatchery under the N Atlantic. And this led to many more such bases worldwide.
But i had also previously reported that contemporary repticlones don't seem to come from anywhere anymore; that they seem to be digitally inserted into our simulated reality. And maybe some are; i'm not sure. Maybe they just found a way of cloaking their hatcheries etc., and i only now de-cloaked them due to technical advances like programmed knives.
But there actually weren't all that many bases i found, considering the magnitude of the repticlone population on Earth. Not enough to supply the demand for replacements, as ordinary pedestrian RCs are not as tough as the stalkers and media hoaxers.
There may be more such bases to be found or maybe other means of production.
May 25, '18: (5:20pm) I don't think i got any more rain. Total in rain gauge yesterday was 1/3". Which means i got almost an inch total the previous couple days.
Another interesting detail: i have been dealing with underground Egyptoid attackers in Singapore. I am not talking about the usual U bases of subsurface-dwelling attack Etoids, but single individuals, usually male, who are acquanted with surface Egyptoids who harrass people. These particular surface Etoids are too reamed to do much in the way of black magic anymore, so they get their friends to. And lately that has meant a single male Etoid who does have a surface identity goes underground and attacks from there, with full knowledge that this is suicide, not only for themselves personally but also dozens of others down there.
Why attack from underground? Apparently for some reason their energy attacks are stronger from there; psi attacks from U bases certainly have a very extensive history.
Why condemn to death others down there who aren't even attacking? I have no idea.
I have been getting hammered all afternoon from a large AI area: the constellation Cygnus. They are still strong.
(6:05pm) Still hammering away, especially around Deneb.
Another phony TI: Sharon Rose Poet, CIA repticlone.
May 26, '18: (6:15am) Got another intense thunderstorm yesterday evening, and even now it is still dripping outside.
Cygnus is much better now but i am getting hit from AI in the Kochab area.
May 27, '18: (8:50am) That was a little over 1.3" i got; again many times the predicted amount.
My boss who lives a few miles south of me has been getting significantly more even the last couple storms.
Holy crap, the CIA just alerted me, Drought Conditions In The Southwest Are So Bad That They Are Already Being Compared To The Dust Bowl Of The 1930s. So sorry, CIA. I had gotten out of the habit of checking the Drought Monitor.
Droughts typically involve a great deal of demons in the affected landscape, which seems to be a factor here.
Large area of attack bots: the Andromeda galaxy, especially the lighter central area.
May 29, '18: (8:55am) I have been finding more repticlone hatcheries underground.
Also we got rid of many, many demon species and a load of bad energy in the SW US drought area. Eenia, Venus, and Nadee spent a lot of effort doing some kind of energy clearing. Feels much better on the map. I will be curious whether the drought breaks soon.
May 30, '18: (6:55am) The AI etc really hammered me most of yesterday, from one location and another all day. I finally got them knocked down enough to get some sleep but then i awoke at 2am stuffed with zillions of demon species. It took a long time, even with Angie's help, to whittle the demons down to where i could sleep again.
Then this morning i found the AI attacks were coming from Deneb again! There must still be a lot of them in the area.
(9:55am) Attacks from Deneb/Cygnus got worse. I found that the AI was locked onto my frequency, which i could shift a bit mentally to throw them off. I searched and searched for how they were getting the psi energy for the attacks. Finally found some reservoir of energy around where the h-like symbol is on the left side of that pic. Drained the energy and the attacks lost power.
They probably have more such reservoirs all over space...
The stored energy was somehow sourced from demons, but the demons were elsewhere. Deleting 1 species.
Then i sensed a bunch of "pissed off" AI elsewhere, with another such source nearby. Now it is easy to find the power source.

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