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Loohan's blog for April, 2019
April 5, 2019: (8:45am ) I got almost an inch of rain several days ago, and then another 1/2" yesterday.
Getting fewer flake planes last couple days.
Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects. Is this going to snowball? Was 5G a hoax all along? Brussels is a major Establishment center and GreenMedInfo is CIA.
I got some junk mail from HughesNet recently, offering hi-speed wifi internet for cheap. Their site makes no mention of 5G, just "Gen5" which does not seem to be the same thing at all. It seems to issue forth from just one single satellite.
I'd be tempted but it is all so wifi based i'm not sure i could even use a cable between the dish and the modem.
Meanwhile my overpriced ISP Windstream is "undergoing Chapter 11 reorganization" whilst flaunting its senseless repty wastefulness by constantly mailing snail ads to people that its own database knows are ineligible for their offers. For years i have been getting their promo for special deals that only are valid for new customers, as well as special higher-speed service that is not even available in my area. But rather than filter their mailing list through their own customer database, they prefer to flaunt this waste of trees and money, year after year.
April 7, '19: (10:35am) Overcast. Got another 1.75" of rain yesterday afternoon. Right before the storm hit, they were predicting about 1/2".
Today is supposed to get up to 75 F. I have been eating some nettles lately. April is the time when they are most tender and tasty. My comfrey and Asiatic lilies are growing like mad, my mint has popped up. Some of the native sarvis trees have already flowered and then had most of their white flowers knocked off by the thunderstorm. Others are in full flower. The dogwoods are just starting to put out little flowers at the green stage.
I read yesterday that they have turned on the 5G transmitters in parts of Minneapolis and Chicago. But i have not yet seen a pic of a 5G transmitter working.
April 9, '19: (8:05am) It was warm and sunny yesterday, mid-70s probably, and is supposed to be 81 today.
Parents Say 5G Cell Tower Causing Cancer In Children, District Taking Kickbacks. But do the parents really say that? This might be the only version of the story that alleges 5G. I have not been paying close attention, but i did not think that 5G has already been deployed for years and years, nor that it works from single towers far apart. Other versions of this apparent hoax do not mention 5G, e.g. Cell phone tower shut down at elementary school after eight kids are diagnosed with cancer in 'mysterious' cluster.
All the "people" in the article are repticlones.
April 10, '19 (5:15pm) According to wunderground it is warmer today than yesterday, but actually it is much cooler here. Overcast and windy now.
A big problem area right now is Markab and surroundings. There is a "new" species there attacking.
April 16, '19: (4:15pm) That species collapsed after several days of blasting. I think it is extinct now.
The recent storm which wrought havoc on some Southern states merely deposited 2" of rain here. Today, partly chemmy, 72 F.
I wanted to mention that it has been some time since i noticed Chungoids attacking; it's back to mostly Egyptoids lately. Have hardly run into any AI lately either except for their oft-relentless chem simulation.
Capella continues to be an issue. Egyptoids attack me from there most days, although no longer very strongly.
Dogwoods are flowering now. Daffodils are mostly later than usual this year. Yesterday i was surprised when some that had not flowered yet in the early afternoon had suddenly put out flowers just a few hours later. And more have flowered today.
Oaks have started leafing out.
I have another big rat snake ally now, who hangs around me in the astral a lot. I filmed him the other day, then saw him again the following day.
April 19, '19: (9:25am) Had another 2.9" of rain!
5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall. CIA website linked from Icke. You can see the Nazi lightning bolt on the About page.
I ran into some other type of Egyptoid hybrids in U bases in SC, involved in attacking someone there. These are connected to CIA asset repticlones at Eaton Corporation at 11 Corporate Cir, Sumter, SC 29154 which has a DORy AI vibe. Serving the aerospace industry, etc.
April 21, '19: (11:10am) Been having amazing skies. On the 17th i had blue sky with many natural-looking clouds. Yesterday was perfectly clear, and so far this morning as well. It is supposed to get to 77 F today but at my elevation, probably less.
Here is a pic from yesterday morning, showing off my most flowery dogwood. This one always flowers more heavily than the others, but then also loses its flowers sooner. There is an old decaying oak snag behind it.
Also how blue the sky is. I did not tweak the color or brightness of the pic.
Inverted magnetism: For years we have been trying to solve the inverted magnetism in Perugia, Italy, but now i got it at my place too! North-Central Arkansas 72645.
I don't know how long this has been going on as i had not checked my compass in some time. But on the 10th i happened to use it to check the polarity of a magnet, and wondered why the red needle was now pointing south!
I do not know how this came about. I ordered a cheap car compass from the Orient so i will be able to gauge how far this reaches. [Update: false alarm according to the new compass.]
(6:55pm) Well, the first plume of chem blew in around 4pm yesterday and the sky has been compromised since. It got up to probably 75 or 76 the last 2 days.
I am now getting this weird BlackWhiteRed message when i try to log onto my forum in any browser. I have never seen this user or password before.
April 23, '19: (9:10) Overcast.
OK, forum is back up.
April 25, '19: (6:40pm) What a wet month. I got another 2.4" of rain. Washed many of the flowers off that tree.
CANADA LAUNCHES NEW COIN TO MARK 50 YEARS OF LGBT+ RIGHTS. Yay, even has a MTF on the face, in a stunning break with tradition. Unprecedented.
April 30, '19: (2:40pm) I've gotten 10.5" of rain so far this month and now we have a flash flood warning from now through tomorrow morning. Only occasional sprinkles here so far.
Finally got a decent pic of Angie, my snake who excels at removing hidden demons. I've seen her 4 times so far today but she's skittish and this pic is from the 3rd time.
BTW this month's pix can be clicked on for larger versions.
(6:30pm) Now i'm stirring up some "new" undergound species. First i noticed 83 of them near me in an area i have busted several times. I get that they had been there for at least 60 years. But only now are our energy devices lighting them up.
Currently taking out lots of bases in AR and Tahlequah, OK but i think they are everywhere under the Earth.
They do not seem to have a repty, Egyptoid, or CIA vibe, but they still feel nasty. I don't detect that they come up to the surface. They probably do not resemble humans. I have no idea what they look like but they seem physical.

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