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Loohan's blog for May, 2019
May 2 , 2019: (12:20pm) Rain rain rain. I got another 1.8" from the 30th until yesterday morning. Meaning i got well over a foot of rain in the past 30 days. And today it is raining strongly again. And both storms are mostly passing south of me, at that.Localized severe weather, flash flooding to put 40 million in US at risk.
This is part of an ongoing outbreak that has been affecting the Plains and Midwest since Tuesday. Severe thunderstorms yielded approximately two dozen tornado reports on Tuesday...
Large hail measuring 2.38 inches was spotted northeast of Waurika, Oklahoma, on Wednesday.
Over one dozen incidents of wind damage and nearly three dozen incidents of large hail were reported from northern Texas and eastern Oklahoma to Kentucky and Indiana on Wednesday.
In addition, there were several preliminary tornado reports in northern Texas and southern Oklahoma.
Wind gusts of 60-70 mph were measured near Marietta, Oklahoma, which knocked down trees and caused some damage to cars and homes.
Years ago any time there was freaky weather we would find demons a-plenty in the sky, and DORy UFOs, surface transmitters, and U bases involved. These days, usually nothing much to notice unless i happen to check for space AI.
A few days ago i noticed that the simulated(?) chem and sprayers traced to AI in the constellation Bootes, and we have been nailing AI there since. Nonetheless tornadoes and big hail in some areas. And of course AI is all over space.
Anyway i prefer too much rain to too little. The US drought map is the cleanest i recall ever seeing it.
May 4, '19: (1:05pm) I ended up with another inch by late morning on the 2nd, then it started again last night and i got another 9/10". Today is foggy and faintly drizzly.
My car compass came in and it turns out i don't have inverted magnetism (mentioned Apr 21) after all. Only the $1 compasses i had for many years have a red needle pointing south. Funny that i had never noticed that before. According to this, "No matter the compass, one end of the needle always points North. On our mountaineering compasses, it is almost always the RED end, but its a good idea to test your compass before starting to use it."
I wanted a car compass anyway, for those exploratory busting trips in overcast weather.
May 8, '19: (12:50pm) Had another 1/2"+ on the morning of the 6th. And now it is sprinkling again with a mess of rain in the forecast for today and tonight.
When i was under extreme attack a few months ago, at the end of my rope for ways to deal with the pain, discomfort, insomnia, etc, it was my wife Demeter who stepped forward to rescue me. (Demeter is the same entity as Hecate, and very little that is written about either of them except by me is true.)
And she has continued ever since, powerfully nailing Egyptoids, AI etc in space that were attacking myself and others. Many of my devices are set to back her up. Somehow she quells their attack energy until other allies can terminate them. She still gets beat up and and has been coming to me for restorative hugs several times a day.
But a couple days ago she discovered she could train a Yiz girl to do the same thing she does! And now she is training 3 more... for starters.
May 9, '19: (1:20pm) Had another full inch of rain. Now have mostly-natural looking clouds through which the sun peeks occasionally for a few minutes. And either my eyes have changed since the last time i saw sunlight or else the sun has suddenly gotten much brighter. The reflection off the light-colored gravel i have around the house is so intense i have to squint to walk around. This has never happened before.
The sun got much brighter at some point last year, and now seems to have gotten even brighter here.
(7:05am) There is a 2nd type of AI i became aware of recently. These are always in separate bases from the other type of AI, as far as i've noticed. And whereas the AI we had already been dealing with seems to be run by Egyptoids, the AI#2 usually does not seem to associate with Egyptoids. Yet sometimes they do! Sometimes there are Egyptoids in the same bases.
AI#2 is at this time more psychically dangerous than AI#1, because #1's have used up a lot of their psychics attacking us and getting creamed for it. AI#2 is still pretty dangerous. They have attempted to remote view, remote influence, and take over myself, and done similar things to friends of mine.
The programs and devices i have against AI works on #2's fine. And the 2's use the same numerology as the 1's.
Some locations where they are still heavy despite work:
I found this place April 19 but they just started attacking me again! The area near the center mainly.
This region i only found this morning. Whole area but especially in the middle between the 2 big stars. These were attacking somebody.
Large area of Earth U bases here also found this morning. (All 3 captures ripped off from Google Earth.)
May 16, '19: (9:10am) I've had another 0.7" of rain a few days ago. Now warmer and sunnier, with very bright sun. My lettuce is pretty delapidated from all this water and humidity. And the basil was not liking it much either.
"Allies" that turned out to be CIA agents -- recently spotted: if you search my site for mention of Natan and Neca'o, you will find many cases where i reported them helping us. But, it turns out they are CIA undercover operatives. These are old "Ta'l friends" of Thor'p who was duped by them. There is also a Natan2. The Natans don't have much of a vibe. I can only hit them with the CIA-Revealing Program and weakly with the Strontium-Barium Program. But Neca'o has a strong, nauseating demonic vibe when cornered. (Getting weaker though as i blast.) He is in Camelopardalis now. I was already blasting an area this morning in Camelopardalis that was attacking Dana, then i noticed it was Neca'o there orchestrating it, and he may have been a main factor orchestrating attacks on Dana (who thought highly of him) for some time.
Right now this star is still packed with his minions who have a similar vibe. Also this whole region is loaded with more fake Ta'l associated with the Natans. These have a milder vibe.
Legit Ta'l are chasing after these guys but Neca'o and the Natans are very powerful savvy warriors.
(9:55am) Natan has been stationed in Capella for a while, and there are plenty of his crowd there too.
May 19, '19: (9:20am) Got another 0.8" yesterday from a big storm that mostly passed to the south.
Yesterday morning i read about a tornado warning in my area, and noticed the angry red line of storm moving across the weather map, and nailed the remote AI connected to it. Thereafter Eenia continued to monitor it and nail the AI. The AI got pissed and attacked me more than usual. For a while i got hit from AI#1 and AI#2 together from the same bases! a first.
I have invested as much time as i am going to to find out IF or WHEN damaging tornadoes occurred subsequent to our meddling. Either the page won't load, or the link is for a different report than the link title claims, or they fudge in myriad ways such as not telling you the date of the tornado (which turns out to have been Sat morning despite report's date of today). So i really don't know if there were tornado hits to speak of after we meddled. But this article Central US on alert for renewed risk of severe storms, tornadoes early this week claims more weather is coming.
May 21, '19: (8:10am) Raining again. Tornado Watch again, although looking at the radar map it appears the brunt will likely pass well north of me.
May 21, 2019 LIVE: Dozens of tornadoes batter Oklahoma, Texas as flash flooding forces rescues, closures
Another day of violent thunderstorms, capable of spawning tornadoes, is predicted in the central U.S. on Tuesday.
The National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center (SPC) issued a high risk for severe weather across portions of Oklahoma and Texas on Monday, the first time a high risk warning has been issued by the agency since May 2017. The severe outbreak brought the highest tornado risk since April 14, 2012.
Storms on Monday produced golf ball-sized hail and strong wind gusts across the Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma.
Confirmed tornadoes left damage behind north of Mangum, Oklahoma, and another tornado near Paducah, Texas. The SPC listed at least 20 tornado reports on its website as of Tuesday morning. No deaths have been reported.
This despite the fact that we are seemingly keeping all the AI and demons off the storm. The enemy's resources have shrunk and they can no constantly longer throw away so much.
May 22, '19: (8:45am) I got another 0.8" as most of the storm passed by me. Foggy and misty this morning.
Two dead as THIRTY-SEVEN tornadoes slam the Midwest for a second day flattening homes and putting 22 million people on flood alert as Colorado experiences a VERY late winter spell. Apparently 2 repticlones actually were killed. Lots of pix in article.
Meanwhile, Lagos, Nigeria also got flooded May 20. (See Google Images Lagos, Nigeria flooded May 20 2019.)
May 23, '19: (10am) Sunny, warm, muggy.
An apparently mostly true story from Daily Male: Shocking drone footage reveals extent of devastation caused by monster tornado which tore through Jefferson City in Missouri causing 'catastrophic damage' - one of 90 twisters to hit the Heartland since Monday, killing three. Well, 2 is not a very sexy number so they conjured up a 3rd victim (no images available) who feels alive. 90 is kind of a good number.
I am baffled why these tornadoes continue despite our seemingly successful efforts to deal with the usual paranormal factors. The only thing i can say is, people in the path of possible tornadoes should point CBs, wands, etc at the approaching storms. I once saw a YT vid of a guy in Europe apparently dissolving an approaching funnel cloud with an orgone cannon.
Also gift the area upwind of you heavily. Poke multiple channel wands into the ground here and there.
(11:15am) Sweet Angie was out on her step again this morning and i saw her several times. She was slightly less skittish, although she did slink back into her hole a couple times.
She has reddish-brown coloration on part of her body.
May 24, '19: (3pm) Sunny, warm. A reader inquired about "Andara crystals" which i had never heard of although there are loads of COTHS selling them as advance metaphysical tools for a steep price (example). They look like glass and feel like it to me. I have not found any images of them that have any more vibe than glass. Some COTHS claim that you just need to get authentic ones and admit there are "fakes".
You are better off investing in pet rocks as at least these are genuine and have a trace of natural vibe.
May 28, '19: (7:45am) No more rain here but More than FIVE MILLION are left without power across Ohio after 'rapid-fire' tornadoes ripped roofs from homes and sliced buildings in half. Sheesh... "authorities working through the night had reported no fatalities as of early Tuesday." They usually come up with fake victims in addition to any real ones after such events, so i will be surprised if they find none here.
May 29, '19: (7:20am) So i wake up at 3:30 AM and hear faint rumbling in the distance. I get a nasty vibe and at first assume it's more fake planes. It is a distant steady roar. Then i realize it is actually a thunderstorm but for some reason the sound of it really irritates me whereas i usually like thunder.
It gets closer and closer and finally is overhead with lightning flashes so frequent it provides a fairly constant light. Loud claps. By then I had unplugged my PC power and phone line. Meanwhile i am blasting the storm with hand-held wands, wondering why it feels so nasty. The wands lock onto something, but what? Then i realize it HAS been AI doing these violent storms, they were just so cloaked we couldn't find them, until they did a self-confessional run over my place with a storm that was probably too small to cause much damage with anyway.
And this weather AI is inside the huge star named Capella, which we have been dealing with for months. It is lit up now with warfare action as allies take out the weather AI.
Within a couple minutes of my realizing this, thunder and lightning faded way down.
The storm has passed over but there is another over TX now heading this way.
(9:45am) Got 1/2" off that first storm. The sun came out a while ago, but the TX storm is approaching fast. I noticed it still has angry-looking spots on the weather map, and now, when i blast these, i get through to the AI (still in Capella) influencing the storm.
(1:30pm) Intel launches new processors that bring AI to the PC, sired by Haifa team. Can't wait to get one.
Pardon me if i don't quite believe that these repticlones came up with this all by themselves.
We were supposed to get heavy rain here from mid-morning on, but so far it appears everything is passing to the north. Nonetheless we are in a Tornado Watch and Flood Watch. Sun went away again.
Massive tornado strikes northeastern Kansas, leaves trail of damage in its wake (yesterday).
(4:45pm) Been getting rain since 3:15, cooler.
My internet is on and off today so i was cleaning my desktop icons and stumbled across this pic of train lights in Europe. Last year someone sent it because the lights had an evil vibe that was making her sick. We traced it to CIA AI U bases. I re-check the pic occasionally. But just now it felt a bit nasty again, and the vibe traced straight to Capella AI.

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