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Loohan's blog for March 2019
March 4, 2019: (8:50am) I'm still stuck in VA on this Monday. The license plate may arrive today. I verified Wednesday that it was supposedly sent out last Monday.
Meanwhile, as the deliberately-inefficient bureaucracies have stuck me here, i have had plenty of spare time to amuse myself by planting lots more Channel Program stuff in the Springfield/Burke area. This trip, i dowse i have planted 225 taped dual Channel wands and maybe 4K silicone boogers. Plus, spread lots of Azezness around.
I and others are still getting stuffed with demons frequently. It seems only the non-hybridized Egyptoid ETs are doing this, and their numbers seem to be dwindling a lot, but nevertheless...
Last night i was jumped at one point by a severe demon-stuffing Etoid attack, and once the demons were mostly cleared out (mainly they were in my left leg) i got jumped hard by a succession of other Egyptoid hybrids -- not only Chungoids but Fultzoids and Cumboids galore.
Incidentally, let me iterate a factoid i may or may not have mentioned before: demons can and will take on the likeness of individuals known to you to mess with your head. I have not had this happen to me in years but have been running into this phenomenon more with others lately. They will pretend to be erstwhile attackers who are actually dead and replaced by impotent clones. They may pretend to be friends of yours attacking you. They may pretend to be me or Lt Veo or others of my group.
(4:30pm) No mail at all today. And i just got a fake chopper buzzing the house, which traces to a CIA Egyptoid U base under Kent Island, MD.
Meanwhile, Mordok has been getting a few fake overflights in Marshall AR tracing to MO bases.
(5:30pm) Well the mail did arrive, later than usual. But nothing from AR. My plans are to make a run for it Wed whether or not anything arrives tomorrow. Hopefully the CIA will not dare to mess with me that particular way but some random cop might check me out. In any case i have no idea whether the tags will ever arrive and i can't spend the rest of my life here.
I called my local DMV in AR and the lady said she can cancel any mailed tag and issue me a new one plus registration on the spot for $1.39.
All my fees have been paid a month ago. I have insurance paid and not used as i have not driven the truck in the past month.
I got a Careless Driving ticket from the accident which i need to contest with images of the tires. The cop who wrote the ticket is a reasonable guy and probably would not have written it if i had pointed out the tires to him. But i did not think of the tires until later.
The lady at the District Court said she could not give me any more extensions beyond next Wed (13th) and i would have to pay the fine (for something i am innocent of, which would also cause my insurance rate to go up) or else be there. Of course if i ignore it it's arrest warrant time.
But hey, a new day is dawning in the advanced nation of America with the advent of 5G.
March 5, '19: (3:10pm) Well, the mail arrived, and guess what? Nothing but junk mail for my mom.
March 8, '19: (7:45am) Well, i made it home alright, late on the 6th. Only now got internet back on. I'll probably go get my license plate locally today. [Update May 10: the license plate and reg'n never did arrive in VA.]
No hassles. In south VA a repticlone Sheriff with IN GOD WE TRUST in large letters on this trunk was right behind me for a mile or two. In west TN another Sheriff passed by me.
I had left out a cylindrical pot to catch rain, and now it has close to 5" in it. Not much for 2 months of winter but my big pond is full.
Foggy and drizzly for the past 24 hours.
(8:15am) Received some more artwork. This is some kind of evil ET that is common in in NGC 7731, -33, and -37 at least. CIA assets involved in AI. I have not been able to kick up a toxic vibe yet, and have the impression they are not into black magic and toxic energies, but are into acting clean and positive. The women often seduce men on various planets in order to infiltrate. Many are CIA prostitutes used in various scenarios. Also their men seduce women on planets and are often CIA gay prostitutes. Prostitutes are largely for reward/recreation of CIA agents and assets.
I can't really get a handle on them, blasting-wise yet. Also do not detect any on Earth.
March 9, '19: (10:10am) Of course the Strontium-Barium program, being so broad-spectrum, works on them. I have been cooking them with that. There are lots of them all around the Chameleon Constellation. Heavy AI scene there, too, as well as Chungoids etc.
A reader pointed out the fangs i had missed. I presume these are often ground down in infiltrators and prostitutes.
Had a brief thunderstorm and some drizzle but not much rain here.
(11:35am) There is also a free program that goes into quartz including rough white quartz that bites on these critters. This pgm also addresses Egyptoids/hybrids, reptilians, and other evil ETs. I will take a pic and upload it to OTB 27f pronto.
(1:15pm) Got 'em vibing hard now. The whole area of this pic of Chameleon, as well as the whole area of this pic of Fornax are full of them.
Sunny, warm, and very windy here now.
March 15, '19: (4:50pm) After waiting most of the day around court Wednesday, I got off on the Careless Driving charge. I didn't even get a chance to present my evidence; the judge said that the State was not going to pursue the charge against me "at this time" but was retaining that option if i got more violations during the next year.
Had another inch or so of rain. Sunny today.
I have been getting fake plane flyovers for days, tracing to CIA bases usually in MO although the last one was in IA.
March 22, '19: (10:30am) Had 1/10" of rain a couple days ago, then sunny and warm yesterday and today.
Been getting plenty of fake planes. Also, the demon hum is back. I had not heard it since before i went to VA; it does not happen in the DC area.
BTW when i was there last i noticed that the water supply does not feel fluoridated at all. I drank the water, filtered with an undersink Moen filter, and noticed no fluoride accumulation.
Fluoride has a recognizable (to me) vibe, it is my belief. I do not recall whether i actually dowsed the water in previous visits or just assumed it was fluoridated. Is there a policy change? Or is the fluoridation there a hoax?
According to this article D.C., Md. and Va. in top 10 for most fluoridated water, DC tops the list! And VA is #8 with 96% fluoridated. But that article is 3 years old.
This map shows the DC water area, which does NOT cover my mom's house, which is in Fairfax County but farther south than the darkened area. I presume she gets her water from the other source. In any case, i dowse NO fluoride from either source. Whereas, Little Rock, Seattle, Austin, etc all dowse as fluoridated.
Brain aging could explain why time feels like it moves faster as we get older. The article stresses that this is only one possible mechanism.
As i get older, increasingly, things that are farther away in time seem closer. Something that happened 5 months ago may seem like 5 weeks ago. But is this brain rot? If so, it began at a tender age for me.
The biggest and most abrupt change in subjective time occurred to me in 1963. When i was a child, we were constantly moving every couple years or so. But we spent the summers of '62 and '63 in the same apt complex. We went to the same school with similar schedule and did the same sort of things both summers (mostly hanging around the apt pool). I recall being shocked and disappointed when starting 4th grade at how much shorter that summer vacation seemed from the previous one. I was 9 years old.
March 27, '19: (4:30pm) Had another 1/2" of rain then sunny mild weather. Still getting a few fake planes occasionally. Sometimes several will suddenly appear in different parts of the sky, making different noises.
There is a trio of stars that are somehow of great importance to address now. Some kind of black magic by the usual suspects. These stars are Kochab, Mirach, and this star.

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