May 3, '20: (7:45am) "Moon" spotted over Belgium early yesterday morning (i presume). Vibe traces to Cassiopeia AI etc.
The reader wrote: "moon is oval in picture . I see it different (than camera) - much less full and not ovalised (and chem trail right above)".
Meanwhile, last night it happened that i noticed there is a lot of AI, black goo, etc on the real Moon. Joe and i are working on it.
(5:55pm) It's been drizzing most of the day. Foggy now.The guy later wrote "that previuos moon picture was taken with 0x. Soon after I made another one with same camera but (optical) zooming in. Now looks more normal - same what I actually saw". Yes, it does look more real.
May 6, '20: (6:40am) I got 1/4" off that last rain.
Yeah, some people have been spreading a few Channel boogers around a residential area south of Brussels, and as a result, been getting fake choppers and juicy vibeless sprayers.The choppers trace to U bases and the chem to outer space.
(6:20pm) They got some more flights, and i got some serious space bases off them.
I think i said before that i don't think there is a Coronavirus. Actually what i meant is there is no Covid-19.
Article on Coronaviruses. Most of these feel real, but i have very serious doubts about SARS (CoV-2) and MERS-CoV.
May 10, '20: (5:30pm) I got another 0.6" the other night. Lately we've been having some unseasonably cool weather here.I just watched another vid by Donny of Daytona. He zoomed in on a "star" and it morphed around to all these demon faces. I don't exactly agree with his interpretation, but was intrigued.
At first i got no vibe off the images at all. But after blasting for some time, i did get a vibe. Eventually the vibe grew enough for me to trace it to AI#2 in XZ Psc.
Not that i particularly understand what's going on. Apparently there are many "stars" like this.May 15, '20: (4:40pm) I got another 1/10"+ of rain. Today was coolish and grey, drizzly at times. Thunder in the distance.
Another vid of star faces. But this time it is a named star, Antares, which also happens to be a repeat offender in terms of alien attacks.
Again, i don't understand what's going on, but i doubt it's what he thinks.
Strange how the faces tend to face Earth.
May 18, '20: (10:40am) Finally some sun! I had another 3.4" of rain! Didn't need it.This guy was a repticlone some time back. Now he is replaced by a new kind of double. He had no particular vibe and felt like a soulless human until i blasted him for some time. The only unit i have that phases him is this 3 year old anti AI box. After blasting for some more time, i have the impression that only 800 of these critters were made so far, in an AI base under Salamanca, Spain which we are taking out. Henceforth these guys will have a vibe, so it is less likely more will be made.
(11:35am) Transhuman: i saw a pic of CIA repticlone Rooney Mara which felt disturbingly wrong in an unusual way. I seem to sense a bunch of surgically-implanted stuff along her centerline spanning from center of chest to groin. Metal, wires, plastic... AI#2 vibe to it. Performed in CIA base under Milton E Thompson County Park, Miami, FL 33178.
(12:30pm) I checked that 5G Everest pic i posted last month, and found it had a new, different, evil vibe that was not being addressed. It traced to an underground facility under Chalangsi, China; Chinese military vibe.
Hmm, now i am being attacked from a bit further north of the Yellow River there; lots more bases.
May 20, 2020: (7:25am) Unseasonably cool weather here lately. Glaciers not melting yet.Very strange. Last night a friend was being attacked by aliens in Andromeda, and when i nailed them they started attacking hard from "behind" this square. The usual suspects: CIA Egyptoids, AI 1&2, etc. Right in the center of the square.
Apparently the square has been there a while. Or somewhere. There is a 6yro pic linked there showing co-ordinates. Google Earth will not show coords on my OS now even though configured to do so. The backgrounds look different.
I put the compass with N up before taking my capture.
"The Borg cube was the primary starship class of the Borg Collective's fleet. Borg cubes were designed as a combined weapons platform and factory."
May 22, '20: (9:05am) More overcast weather with occasional light rain.Now he has been getting attacked from Pegasus, and i discovered this sizable odd blank spot there. However, he was not getting hit from there. But now that i am checking it out, there is stuff behind it that may be important. The usual critters.
Again, i could not get it to show the coordinates. Also i was unable to change the orientation.
(Noon) Yesterday vid from Donny Daytona: YOU CAN'T UNSEE IT ! All i can say is, those 2 "zits" have a strong vibe of extensive CIA AI computer systems. Not noticing any biological life.
May 23, '20: (5:05pm) I had another 1.2" of rain on the 21st and 22nd, by the way. Another super soggy spring like last year. This afternoon it has warmed up and the sun has come out.
Another interesting vid from Mr Daytona: A real SOLAR SATELLITE caught on film. I doubt they are Earth-made solar satellites, but they are something. With an AI vibe.
He mentions in the comment section about aerogels, which are very light and strong materials. Ah yes, probably part what i have been feeling in transhumans like Rooney Mara. Problem is, there is not one kind of aerogel with one kind of vibe. There are many substances they can be made of.What Are Aerogels Made Of?The term aerogel does not refer to a particular substance, but rather to a geometry which a substance can take on - the same way a sculpture can be made out of clay, plastic, papier-mache, etc., aerogels can be made of a wide variety of substances, including:
- Silica
- Most of the transition metal oxides (for example, iron oxide)
- Most of the lanthanide and actinide metal oxides (for example, praseodymium oxide)
- Several main group metal oxides (for example, tin oxide)
- Organic polymers (such as resorcinol-formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde, polyacrylates, polystyrenes, polyurethanes, and epoxies)
- Biological polymers (such as gelatin, pectin, and agar agar)
- Semiconductor nanostructures (such as cadmium selenide quantum dots)
- Carbon
- Carbon nanotubes
- Metals (such as copper and gold)
Aerogel composites, for example aerogels reinforced with polymer coatings or aerogels embedded with magnetic nanoparticles, are also routinely prepared.
May 26, '20: (3:35pm) Jeepers, had another 1.8" of rain last night, some more expected next few days.
Here's something i don't think i've seen lately: some sort of metal drone of unknown shape caught over Belgium. Base was under Aalst.
Oh yeah, i started a forum thread for listing transhumans spotted.May 29, '20 (4:35pm) I had another 1/2" of rain, then today it was warm and sunny. But still unusually cool for this time of year.
This month is shaping up to have a lot of sky pix. By the time i saw this pic this morning the email was 3 hours old and there was no longer any vibe to these things, presumably because the perps were already put out of their misery.
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