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Loohan's blog for June, 2019
June 2 , 2019: (8:05am) 2.4" is what i got once the rain started at 3:15pm on the 29th. It's been dry since but that will end again soon.
While US Farms Are Dealing with Natural Disasters, Trump Slapped Tariffs on the Countries We Import the Rest of Our Food From. This article is CIA just like Trump, and points out what is in store for food prices in the US. This has been engineered by space AI on down. "Countries" are a fiction. Of course this will affect COTHS the most as they are by far the demographic majority these days, and although the economic structures favor them greatly above the oppressed minority, only a fraction of them are wealthy or grow their own food. They will of course whine in a shilly way but ultimately they embrace hardship as minions of evil.
So bizarre, these creatures. But they love to be ripped off for the Greater Bad, otherwise they would not support their phony parasitic government, military, banking, education, medicine, junk food, etc.
June 7, '19: (2:40pm) It has rained on and off since yesterday morning. Got 2+" so far.
I wrote months ago that i had the impression the Alah-Kur kicked off/killed the militaries in bases and ships and took them over. Since then i only get the vibe of 2 Alah-Kur most of these places. Yet, we have had an unprecedented number of nautical hoaxes lately (example). I realized the A-K are not on but near the ships on small craft, blasting them with something. The really weird thing is, i am unable to get a vibe off any people in any military ships anywhere on Earth's seas even when clearly depicted. Yet i can detect the critters shown embarking, disembarking, or on land near the ships normally.
This applies not only to the overtly military ships, but also the "civilian" or "pirate" ships in hoaxes.
I have wondered about this phenomenon for weeks, repeatedly re-scanning images, but still can't figure it out. If they are on a ship in the pic, it feels to me as though they did not exist, yet business seems to proceed as normal. Sometimes the Alah-Kur vibe gets real strong on the ships.
The only thing i was able to detect by looking at sailors on ships is the distinct impression of rampant homosexual activites among the sailors on Chinese military ships.
June 11, '19: (10:20am) Got a total of 2.2" off that system. Overcast today. Been having cooler weather last 2 days but lots of fake plane noises. Sometimes i get several in one minute. These all trace to AI#1 working with space Egyptoids.
I also get occasional attacks from AI#2. I made an odd discovery a couple days ago. Nadee guided me to rearrange some orgone devices into a different array configuration. And one piece i had to add is a piece i had specifically made some time back to address Egyptoid MTFs. Why would this be part of that array? Because evidently there is some perverted energy requirement for AI#2 that only MTFs can supply. Now i notice them in large numbers in any AI#2 base i find.
Then Nadee, Vozy, and Eenia reprogrammed this ancient device of mine to seek out and nail the AI#2 by virtue of its energy association with MTFs.
This device had never been a remote weapon before. The original cone was made in '02 or '03, and was my first tetrahedron-within-cone unit. It has a foil-wrapped noble gas bulb based power pack in the tet, and brass needles. I then recast it twice in subsequent years. The last cast is the Violet Flame Program back when it required plenty of tulsi. Then i added the glue-ons in subsequent years. It has always been a wonderful device but now it seems stronger and more relevant than ever.
June 12, '19: (9:45am) Cool, overcast. Had slight drizzle earlier and might get more later.
Still getting fake plane noises. Just now traced one to AI and Egyptoids right in the center of this mysteriously blacked-out square (capture).
June 23, '19: (9:45am) Holy cow, just got 4.4" of rain last night and this morning! Biggest [continuous] rain i can recall in several years. There was thunder, lightning, tornado watch, and often very hard rain. And i am still getting some.
It had been drying up, and the forecasters had shrunk our rain chances down to 40%, 0.41" by yesterday evening after they had been much higher.
BTW here is another capture of a censored square in Google Earth. We have been addressing AI behind that for days.
June 24, '19: (11:05am) The rain finally stopped after i got another 1.6" for a total of 6" within 34 hours or so. And i only got the edge of the storm.
Driver Drowns, Home Washed Away in Central U.S. Flooding; Indiana Tornado Damages South Bend.
June 26, '19: (10:25am) Someone just asked me about the heat wave in Europe. Immediately i found this area in the sky where once again, AI meddlers are blacked out.
Looks like we are in for some warmer and drier weather here too.
June 29. '19: (noon) I did get 1/10" a couple days ago.
Europe sees first heatwave of the year. Traces to more AI#1 in space.
"Startling news": U.S. Navy has been granted a patent on theoretical aircraft resembling recently-reported UFOs that could bend the laws of physics to fly through water, air, and space. They neglected to mention earth and rock.

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