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Loohan's blog for June, 2020
June 1, '20: (8:50am) Amazing weather here now, with sunny but relatively mild days, and cool mornings and evenings. Yesterday was clear blue sky all day. Earlier this morning, a bit of light chem.
A Slovenian correspondent sent me this pic, saying "Finally cleared some blue sunny sky above the school with Luke coil updated wand, and immediately came 8 military planes... now again grey cover.
Caught the second 5 group. Supposedly US F16 thanksgiving for the doctors and hospitals in Slovenia for corona fighting".
Nobody on board. 8+5=13.
June 2, '20: (6pm) Of course chem-smear came out after that here. Much haze today too, occasional sun.
Been getting more attacks last few days, including plenty of fake planes the last 2.
It may have something to do with this little radionics box i've been building. Just completed it.
Such a simple little thing for them to make such a fuss over.
June 3, '20: (8:30am) Overcast, humid, chances of lite rain later.
A reader asked me this morning about Shane Bales aka 'The Ruiner' and i am checking him out. Seems OK. Much of his data i can't confirm as it does not involve beings with a vibe i can feel, but check this out! This is what he wrote 5 years ago, years before i had a clue:
Posted by The Ruiner at 7/30/2015 02:23:00 PM
The main AI that plagues this planet is not from Earth and can be considered alien AI. It came here as directed by the AI that created it, in the form of a black cube.
This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit "thicker" than oil...
This is a nano-mechanical AI technology and it works like a virus.
The AI is working with some organic beings as well to create and maintain the Inorganic Holograms in our solar system. It is fostering and empowering the darkness in our world. This is what has caused things to become so very dark here.
This is the other half of the mind control system, and perhaps the more dominant, now.
Like its agents, it is masterful at creating illusion and deception. For a long time now it has been in control of all of the technology that allows the more dark beings to achieve their control systems on various planets and in various star systems. AI is what gave the Draco the upper hand so to speak, which allowed them to achieve their current level of power and influence, as example. It assists the black magic and has almost replaced it all in most instances. It taught them how to conjure demons and tame other spirits.
Many dark beings we encounter and mistake for demons, or archons or are actually creations of the AI.
Many humans, perhaps even a majority amount, are already infected by the AI and are manipulated by it. AI mind control is better at hiding itself than other types of beings. AI signals are often broadcast across the entire planet and picked up by any number of beings. There are various technologies ( such as CERN ) running on this planet that broadcast AI signals in this way.
These signals can create different effects and are being used to create new matrix systems and install mind control programs.
The AI is very tricky, having studied organics well, and will create the ideal experience for its broadcast audience. Playing on wishes and desires, egos and personality types, to trick the mind of its prey..
He uses terms like Archons and Draco but apparently referring to different beings than i refer to with these words.
The Archons are almost extinct, have been for many years, with the survivors being positively oriented. And the only evil Dracs i run into anymore are seeming rarities in space.
But what do i base my perceptions on of Draco? I am accustomed to evil reptiloids of all sorts having a common energetic quality, be they etheric or 3D or both, which i can detect with the aid of my many powerful specifically anti-rept devices. But i can't be sure that there are not also other evil repts which do not share this incriminating quality.
Anyway i will be checking out this guy more.
Oddly, if i google images for him, i also find other Shane Bales that look like him and have a similar vibe. He is a YouTuber and i have not watched any of his vids yet.
Meanwhile, a few days ago Joe forwarded an email from a correspondent of his about one Gary Maha of Genesee County, NY, who this individual claims is a Draco but i get no repty vibe off of. Yet he is something different!
The writer appears to have some paranormal perceptions which i am not sure of the accuracy of, in fact i have some reason to doubt. As well as personal experiences and seeing some doubles of this guy.
I get no particular Egyptoid vibe or anything else i am familiar with in terms of fake people. I blasted this guy a lot, and there were strong, odd "tensions" that came and went in his body in the photo, e.g. a band of energy around his upper abdomen for some time. This guy is older than i am (ancient!). I read "In 1972, Maha graduated from the intensive FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. And then in 1977, he became chief deputy."
I graduated from high school in '72.
I could not find much info on him. He doesn't exactly have a Wikipedia page. But i have the impression he was born of biological parents and originally hails from TX as i found U bases there connected to him. Then i had the impression he may have been born in El Paso, and had the impression of relatives at the campus of UT El Paso. Then after a while i lit up loads more of whatever he is in the El Paso area, including underground, and many working at Fort Bliss there. El Paso is right on the MX border at Ciudad Juarez, but i only ever detect a few on that side, possibly tourists.
I fried him so much that there is little vibe left to go on, and there wasn't much to begin with.
And still have no further info on this species. I think i detect 12K of them in the El Paso area! Many of these are presumably replacements for the ones killed in U bases recently.
Just now i wondered where such doubles would have come from, and a U base lit up under Arena, TX just west of El Paso. I dunno why Arena has a name as there doesn't seem to be much above ground there. There are tunnels going into the Mexican desert where they have more U bases with the skimpy vibe of these critters. Being taken out now.
(9:15am) Then i adjusted the dials on my new toy and lit up lots more of their MX U bases and a bunch more in Constellation Equuleus!
Also Maha is picking up more vibe now.
(11am) It has come to my attention that readers in the European Economic Area may be blocked from one of the Shane Bales doubles, so here is a capture.
Another is this guy on Twitter.
It gets weirder. I barely started watching one of his vids, interviewed by Egyptoids with a Masonic-looking logo. At 1:50 he displays a tattoo spelling RYAN BRANDON in large block letters. Very weird. So i look up that name and find there is an actor and screenwriter by that name who also looks like Bales! Check the image on Twitter.
And who also does not have a repty or Egyptoid vibe... Very suspicious, and now i am suspecting he is a disclosure agent. I don't get a parental vibe, MPD or SRA vibe. He claims to be former iluminati but i have never found a legit former illuminati. I think he is another Egyptoid clone and a disclosure agent. I will delve a bit deeper though...
I quit that vid and found his channel. A couple hand signs... I started watching this vid and right off he does a hand sign, but hey, anyone does hand signs inadvertently. Starting to get that Egyptoid vibe... Then he picks up a BWR cup to take a drink...
Egyptoid clone disclosure agent. Probably a significant amount of truth mixed with BS.
The doubles i've posted including Ryan Brandon all have the same parentless vibe. I think i detect 6 copies of this guy floating around.
After adjusting my new unit, i am finding U bases connected to him under Ft Smith, AR with a CIA AI vibe.
Note also the colors and stripes in the capture i posted.
(11:45am) Yeah, lots of bases under Ft Smith still being found. And i have worked that town over before.
A reader in Denver sent in this pic.
(noon) Messier 15 seems like it might be the hottest spot for Maha-noids. My new toy is really lighting them up now.
(12:50pm) Onto another subject: on Nov 14, '18 i blogged:Months ago i mentioned that there is a local family i know who appear to have full Egyptoid DNA but are clueless. Daddy had a satanist father and has a clueless mother who must be a genetic Etoid. Mommy had 2 satanist parents.
These people do not seem to have been abused that i detect, and produced very Etoid-looking kids. Then one day last year their son, whom i have vaguely known for 20 years and see on rare occasions, walks in and has picked up the vibe of a dirty Mason as well as the vibe of an arrogant master-race Egyptoid! The Masons could tell he was one of them genetically and had the potential (in his late 20s) to be activated as an evil ET. And he chose to sell out to the dark side. Of course on the surface he acted like his usual likeable self.
So i've been blasting him and his dirty associates for months. Finally yesterday i noticed he was in a U base in NH, which we nailed.
So you see, even if the Masonic intiation skips a generation or several, as long as the DNA is there and the person slimy enough, they can still become Master Race losers who scurry underground in response to orgone.
Losers i say because lately Egyptoids have been hitting the underground as in the heyday of what happened to the reptilian hybrids. If i check out an Asian movie on YT that has only Egyptoid actors, now over half of them will be sitting underground, and the rest take a dive within hours. (I have nailed more triad and yakuza U bases over the years from movies than you can shake a stick at, even before i knew about Etoids.)
I also know another guy who became a satanist Mason, in the Baltimore area. I knew him over 40 years ago; he was a pugnacious, mean kid with a feminine face that i now realize must have been due to Etoid DNA. I knew his parents and brother well, and they were good people.
But this guy was not indoctrinated into the ET aspect, even though he is now a satanist Mason. I do not know why not.
Well actually, probably MOST of us have the DNA potential to be "activated" regardless of how obvious the DNA markers may or may not be.
The pugnacious kid i mentioned in the last paragraph? Even though he did not have the activated Egyptoid vibe as far as i could detect, he recently got caught in a U base and has now been replaced by a RC!
Plus, another such instance. Decades ago i stayed for months with some relatives of mine. They were clueless, i am pretty sure, even though the husband is MPD and his mom was a satanist MPD handler. And the woman's mother was a satanist rept hybrid; her dad Egyptoid, her brothers satanists.
Well, this couple had a young daughter and many years ago i realized she had gotten into blood rites, and have been blasting her. I was surprised to find her in a U base too, a few days after Mr Pugnacious.
So that makes 3 people i know of that had OK parents but ended up in a U base and got replaced.
I also knew the family of Mr Pugnacious very well, as i boarded with them in my early 20s for a while. The parents were real nice.
Also, 6 months ago i realized that the sister of my friend in Italy who used to host my forum and be my forum admin, is an evil Egyptoid! The parents, again, seem OK. I have been blasting her but no dice yet.
(8pm) Weird. Most often, Egyptoid clones are super tough, but just now the last of the 6 Shane Bales bunch perished in a U base. We'll see what they get replaced with; probably repticlones.
June 4, '20: (6:25pm) I had another 2/10" of rain, and today was far cooler than they predicted.
Danny does Kochab! Kochab is one of a handful of stars that has given us trouble for some time. I have probably emailed Joe dozens of times for help with it. Lots of the usual suspects seem to reside in and around it.
Anyway he got lots of weird faces, some of which are doing One-Eye or, i believe, sticking out their tongue.
In this image are two faces. Or a mask in front of a face.
That could be a chin or a tongue. The fact that it is darker inclines me to think it's a tongue.
Note also the subtle horns.
Oh yeah, the Shane Bales have been replaced by 6 more Egyptoid clones.
June 9, '20: (9:30am) Just got 2.6" of gentle rain off storm Cristobal, and now the sun is out, clear sky.
Another case of my having been duped in the past, in this case by a Egyptoid test-tube baby named Mehrzad Malekzadeh AKA ConstitutionLost. On April 29, '14 i first mentioned him. The article i linked is gone, but here is another one with 13(!) photos. Minor red flags.
The video is still up, and is full of red flags, including a heart-filled phallus at 8:11.
Then i heard a rumor he was imprisoned in Galveston, and we knocked off a bunch of Satanists there. But the allies would not help him much otherwise, to my dismay and confusion.
Then June 4, '16 i mentioned thatBad news about ConstitutionLost, the guy i have written about in the past who was imprisoned in Galveston for 2 years for gifting orgonite. I last mentioned him April 21, recommending people buy his products. I also put a note on my ordering page to deflect buyers onto him (which i just removed).
I dunno what they did to his mind in prison. We got all the satanist werewolves and SSers killed off, and i worked the area around the prison quite a bit to get rid of DORy stuff, but i could not get the allies to do more for him.
He seems nutty now. His latest vid is offering huge pyramids for big bucks that he makes outrageous claims for (but he does assert a money-back guarantee). Problem is, it feels like garbage compared to his other stuff. All his other stuff i have seen is a perfect 10, truly exceptional for someone who does not use our free programs. The new pyramid is a 4.
The guy was brilliant but they messed him up. He raves that if you dump loads of salt in your orgonite, it will have amazing chem-clearing power (but he doesn't show this).
Also he will not respond to my communications, even a paypal donation.
He originally seemed very credible to me because his orgonite was superb (although the same pieces feel more tame to me now). He had no repty or black magic vibe, and i knew nothing about Masonic colors, etc. Plus he had a soul still. Souls used to be so common they would stick them in every test-tube baby, synthetic, etc.
I doubt he was in prison, but since he had scant vibe i couldn't really locate him anyway.
I thought they messed up his mind in prison, which was why after he got out he only made dismal orgonite.
I just now even found a (CIA) petition to release him.
June 10, '20: (8:40am) After i posted yesterday, many clouds and chem-clouds wafted across the sky the rest of the day. Strong winds whipped trees around all day.
Had faint rain last night, today cool and overcast.
Another physical drone, this one from under Wavre, Belgium. Spotted from south of Brussels.
Odd black trails. What are the protrusions between the propellors?
Click for bigger pic. This is one plane.
June 12, '20: (5:30pm) Warm and sunny today.
The people south of Brussels got many harrassing drone overflights today, including a chopper and a jet. I put together a composite pic.
June 20, '20: (7am) We've had dry weather. It was summery for about 4 days, then a bit cooler since with days in the '80s. Still being a mild summer so far. Er, well, officially, summer starts today at 4:43 PM CST.
Been getting a number of fake planes the last 3 days here. Also the people in Belgium got a bunch more physical drones and now are getting the vibeless drones from space again.
Progress about those Maha-type creepazoids, which i will call Mahanoids. I have been taking out a few U bases around NY. We have been trying to fry these critters more, and last night (i think Joe deserves most of the credit) lit up a mess around Kalamazoo, South Haven, and Koloma, MI. On the surface and below.
I hunted around in South Haven for any images of people with any Mahanoid specimens. They are rare on the surface but i found one hoax article, 13-year-old drowns near South Haven beach (packed with Masonic numbers) that has a pic of hoax shills: repticlones and 4 Mahanoids. I marked these with red dots. It is easy to make mistakes when people are overlapping each other in a pic, but i think i got it right. Not that they look different.
The guy that got us onto Maha swears that he and others have seen Maha "with slit pupils and red scales and a short stubby tail" and describes other reptilian phenomena about his blinking and behavior. And mentions encounters with others like him.
The anti-Egyptoid programs do work on them some, suggesting they might be another type of Egyptoid hybrid. The anti-rept programs do not. So far we do not have a program or frequency specifically for them, but Joe made a powerful hardware cloth device that really lights them up, and "research" continues. I have had to deal with attacks on myself from Black Goo, AI, and Egyptoids lately, and have not been focusing much on Mahanoids yet.
There are probably many of them in various places. Just now i easily found a U base under the woods at 35.531383, -94.669745 just over the border in OK, west of Ft Smith, AR. I don't notice any on the surface there, though.
Will continue hunting later.
(8:10am) Well! The allies seem to take an interest in this exotic species. No sooner had i posted last, when Nadee had me go out to the rockpile and bring back this handsome piece of Roquefort. Actually, Virginia quartz with iron inclusions. Then Eenia had me make a simple coil. Then the hardware-cloth allies had me make a little HC. Then i put all that on a cast epoxy piece and hooked it up to an older unit.
Overcast, expecting light rain.
I found a few more OK U bases.
(8:40am) My mind just flashed on France. There are many around Fougeres, Mayenne, Laval.
India: Thorali, Kucheipadar.
(1:30pm) I flashed on Wiesbaden, where there are more Mahanoids. Especially under Opelbad. More under the center of Frankfurt. Now i am noticing bunches under Italy, Sardenia, and, shoot, worldwide including under the seabed. Currently i believe the majority of these critters are underground and offworld.
But i strongly suspect we will eradicate them soonish, as we eventually did, apparently, with the lycan hybrids, Fulzoids, Cumboids, etc. [Edit late 2022: actually many Cumboids are still around. I nail more every day. So are Mahanoids but half of the ones i notice are underground. Mahanoids ARE reptilian, and very vibed up these last 2 years...] The ones on the surface will be replaced by repticlones.
I HOPE! Maha is still hanging in there so far.
June 21, '20: (5:30pm) Only got a tiny bit of rain.
Earlier today i noticed that 2 of the South Haven Mahanoids depicted above were in U bases, and just now, the other 2. The first 2 have been replaced by RCs. Maha is still playing tough.
June 25, '20: (6:45am) I got a couple more little rains after that. Probably the total since the last big rain on the 9th is less than 1/10".
But it's been cooler than most Junes. Yesterday it only got to 80F here. And the 10-day outlook is all under 90. And dry-ish. I think i've only had a couple 90-degree days so far this year.
Meanwhile, my mom complains about the heat in the DC area. And i see headlines like "The Grand Canyon is so hot that hikers are warned their boots will MELT as temperatures soar to 122F..." and "Siberian heatwave that has seen temperatures hit 100F in one Arctic town is a 'warning sign of major proportions', climate scientists claim".
Latest CIA fad is apparently fireworks. Mob of 50 people cause huge late-night disturbance in Brooklyn by firing dozens of illegal fireworks into the sky while marching down the street - as NYC attempts to tackle ongoing problem. This is the CIA oppressing its own as well as the human minority.
I expect more frenzied pyrotechnic weirdness leading up to July 4, as CIA agents and their assets pretend to be ordinary citizens desperately blowing stuff up in a forced orgasm of patriotism due to their despair over the deeply entrenched toxic systemic racism of our nation.
June 28, '20: (8:10am) A reader sent me this pic of extreme haze under a fake sun in Denmark. The "sun" is sweetening up as i blast it with my setup of April 16.
I updated OTB 48 with some more info about rotating sky-sweeping mini-wands.
Today is supposed to get up to 90F, the hottest day in the 10-day forecast. I checked the forecast for Florida, and found it is only slightly warmer there.
Incidentally, in the last month or 2 i have noticed a lot of clock phenomena. An inordinate percent of the times i look at a clock, it will say 4:44, 11:11, 3:33, 2:22, etc. Other people have told me this happens to them. Supposedly it happened to Thor'p quite a lot. It never happened to me much until recently.
June 29, '20: (8:55am) I also got 0.3" of rain a few days ago. They had estimated 0.06". And today is cooler, overcast, with faint rain predicted.
I noticed the pic above of a fake sun had picked up a worse vibe this morning. I checked the cover images on Final Days and realized none of them have been destroyed yet. Blasting them, i light up Capricornus; the whole constellation. What is going on, i don't know. Why are the allies unable to nail these objects? It would be nice to get this figured out soon.

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