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Loohan's blog for May, 2022
May 1, '22: (4pm) Since we are supposed to get 4 days of rainy weather, they are chemming it up bad this afternoon. Mostly haze that still leaves it looking pretty sunny out.
Note the shape of the "sun". The ring around it is MORE obvious to the naked eye than in this pic. I did not adjust contrast or color on this photo.
As usual, all i can detect behind this spraying is astronomical quantities of space AI. In Ophiochus today.
What is so important about this planet, i sometimes wonder.
May 2, '22: (5:20pm) Been getting plenty of rain today. Had some thunder earlier. Not much wind.
The craziest thing just happened. The phone rang, a telemarketer, ostensibly, for some Medicare Health Service or something close to that. I slammed the phone down of course, but then slowly it began to dawn on me, this was not just a sleazy-voiced corporate repticlone, but a CIA transhuman! And furthermore, she was in a U base in KS at 39.73899198377701, -98.73181031573439 with 76 more TH repticlones, plus ordinary RCs. And there were 2 more bases directly under that, with RC worker drones doing something.
I thought one of the main objectives of making these THs is so they could handle our orgone weapons and not need to flee underground to get killed. The ones i have blasted have not done that yet.
I thought the THs represented a much greater investment than the common type of RCs, hence they were not going to just throw them away.
But now i am curious. Is this a start of a trend of them wasting them like they do RCs?
May 6, '21: (9:20am) It does not seem to be a trend yet, although we did get a bunch of U bases for a couple days there, with THs in them.
I got 2.4" off that rain. But some people around here reported 4"+ and there was hail and strong wind in some areas.
Then i just got another 2.6"+! of mild rain for a total over 5" within a few days. And the ground was already saturated.
A large part of the reason i got into making orgonite decades ago was to reverse the desertification where i live in north-central Arkansas. This seems to be progressing well: this is the 4th too-soggy spring in a row.
I have evolved ways to garden under such conditions; ways to cover key crops during a rain. And some things i grow in containers which i can move under a lean-to roof. Others into a well-lit grow room.
I have been making more items on my lathe. This morning Nadee had me make this intense little general anti-CIA unit out of thin aluminum rod.
What IS it about the CIA that gives it such a particular energy quality that programs and devices can be made specifically for it, yet not against other Vatican subsidiaries such Mossad, NSA, Triad, etc? I don't know.
Wo! The suns are starting to peek out now. We are supposed to be getting some weather in the upper 80s, even 90 later this week. This spring has been off to a cool start.
May 8, '22: (3:40pm) Supposed to heat up tommorrow. Mostly overcast today. I took this pic yesterday. Note that i have no idea what the suns look like until i look at the photo, as it is too bright to see directly.
I just posted a capture of a fake sun from a 1989 movie.
I often advise people to call upon Angie to have her and her helpers clear their internal demons, but a couple days ago someone advised me that a pic of her is hard to find! So i edited my glossary. Any time you need to find her pic, look to the glossary linked at the top of most of my web pages.

(8:15pm) Well, well...
I finished making a little orgone device -- more on that tomorrow -- that seems to dowse and fry anything having to do with the AI/TH agenda. I notice it vibes strongly on Johns Hopkins. Much more strongly than on NASA or SpaceX, for example.
So i went to their university website and what do i see? Everyone on the page except for the actors in the B&W photo is a MPD transgender transhuman. Everyone in the B&W photo is also a TH repticlone.
I said recently on the forum that Johns Hopkins is like a mafia unto itself, meaning an organized crime entity directed by the Vatican. And yep, these clones do not have the CIA vibe (except of course to the extent that all such clones are CIA-made).
Also, the repticlones listed as the executives feel like they really are administrators with the JH Mafia vibe, instead of CIA figureheads.
But what really makes my new antenna tingle is Johns Hopkins Medicine. On this page, currently, the repticlones are not MPD, TG, or TH, but they have the JH-Mafia vibe, whereas the THs on the .edu home page seem more like slave/actor/ho modules -- and conceivably very efficient corporate/state employee-robots of the future.
Anyway, my new device indicates that Covid vaccines ARE a key part of the AI-TH agenda, as claimed by various paranoiacs. It is responding strongly to JH, suggesting that JH is a key player in the agenda. Also the CIA's Red Cross repticlones as well as those in Pfizer, Moderna, etc.
May 9, '22: (9:10am) Well here it is, so far. Likely it will be re-cast some day.
Nadee has been 100% the brain behind this one so far. The core is a piece of 5/8" steel rod she had me cut to length and machine a little bit. She also had me make a modified mobius coil. She wrote the 2 resin programs.
Overcast and humid.
(9:20am) What is unusual about the programming is, it reacts against and nails a wide variety of targets, but only if they are particularly involved with the AI agenda. So, it irritates AI bots and computers everywhere in space, as well as the biological ETs working with them. I got a lot of kickback from space in the early stages of casting this.
And then it nails all transhumans anywhere. And other critters like repticlones, synthetics, Mahanoids, Egyptoids, etc. that are particularly working on the agenda.
That it effectively attacks such a broad spectrum of target types, but only if they are specifically key to the AI agenda, is hard for me to fathom.
All the more so given its small size.
Of course the anti-CIA programs we have also attack a very broad spectrum of target types, but this too is unusual.
(4:25pm) It eventually got up to 81F here; still mild for this time of year. Suns came out.
Well ain't that something. Not long after i posted last, Nadee had me make this anti-NSA thing! We've never had programs against any specific agency except CIA before.
Timely as recently the NSA has become more active again with their persecution and stalking.
There are also still offworld NSA critters, at least Egyptoids. I sense a bunch in Serpens Caput.
I was just thinking to myself today or yesterday, USAF hasn't been bothering me much lately. So just now as i was typing a USAF KC-130T Hercules buzzed me from Colorado Springs. Just slightly south of the usual preferred harrassment path, but at the proper angle.
May 10, '22: (2:55pm) Warmer and sunnier today.
Nadee keeps having me make stuff on my lathe. I made this little thing out of thin brass rod, and had to dowse around a while to figure out what it does. Eventually i realized she had stuck it into a female in San Antonio, TX. Some kind of evil ET of which there are, as far as i detect, only 88 on Earth. 40 of them live in San Antonio, and 48 in San Saba, TX. And a bunch live in Constellation Cygnus, hence i call them Cygnoids.
Of what use is this info to you? Probably very little, but if i don't record it in my blog i'll forget all about them and the info may or may not be of use some day.
There must be something important about them, for Nadee to have me make this.
I am tripping out on this lathe stuff lately. I already ordered a larger one, and my little one is for sale.
(3:50pm) I was able to find 3 pix of Cygnoids in the San Saba school district. 1, 2, 3. Not sure what's so special about them, but they have an energy quality that sets them apart. They seem to not normally frequent the undergound, but it is possible that once blasted, they will, only to be replaced by the same kind of repticlones as all the other creeps.
May 12, '22: (7:50am) Sunny and mostly clear, with some vague chem smear in parts.
Showing off a few more of the radical items i'm making.
The aluminum piece on the left lights up yet some other obscure evil ETs. These mostly hang out underground. After making it, i found some east of Somalia. Then more under Somalia. Then a bunch under KY. I sense 35 of them living above-ground in Madisonville, KY, but was not able to find pix of any.
Then i found a bunch more of their U bases in KY, Illinois, MO, KS, OK... Strangely, not detecting them in AR, possibly because it is more heavily busted.
Not detecting any more elsewhere yet.
Then the larger aluminum piece is another one against transhuman repticlones, but this one seems more suited to finding hidden ones than frying known ones. Yesterday it lit up a bunch of undersea bases with THs in them!
The large brass one was rough to make, as it's a bit beyond the size that my tiny lathe can handle. Unlike the others i have posted pix of, this one is not from Nadee but from a couple extraordinary orange-haired friends. As soon as they finished programming it, it started lighting up hidden AI U bases like mad. After some hours of this when it couldn't find more U bases, it started roaming the universe for more. It is very powerful.
The last one seems to light up gang-stalkers and psi-attackers of whatever stripe, wherever they are, and whomever they are attacking. It does not have the power to do much to them, but relays the data to some of my other devices.
I'm not posting every one i make. In some cases, they are channeled from my higher self.
(2:15pm) Fedex delivered some stainless steel stock i had ordered, and no sooner had i opened the box than Nadee had me make this "kubotan":
This seems to be specifically for "street theater" type gang-stalking and harrassment. The CIA, NSA, and similar agencies have these puppets for the purpose of harrassing targeted victims in various bizarre and disturbing ways. Increasingly these are transhumans. They might be "random strangers", neighbors, oppressive people in gov't institutions...
It has already sniffed out 57 such CIA RCs in the Denver area, and 50 in Lagos. 820 in Seattle! And Joe is only getting a fraction of that harrassment so they must be upsetting many lesser mortals there. 48 in Portugal. 46 in Calgary. 842 in Toronto area. 2,625 in Denmark, 54 in Perugia, 7,327 in NYC area...
I'm sure i've left some victims out, but this is also programmed to respond to the entreaties of victims.
It won't stop the harrassment, just make it more damaging to the enemy. Of course it refers its victims to other devices.
May 13, '22: (6:40pm) It got up to 90F today, and now we are supposed to have some slightly cooler weather for a while.
Chem crud floated in the afternoon.
Over a decade ago (blog link) i had some interaction (not on the physical plane) with the fish-headed ETs which i imprecisely called Annunaki, which have humanoid bodies with fish heads that have mouths at the top. This is symbolized by the tall, split-topped hats that Catholic cardinals sometimes wear.
As a result of these interactions i believed that there were both good and bad ETs of this type. But lately i realized i was duped.
I don't actually know much much about them but they must be important. And i resent being duped.
I have been attacking them today but getting no kickback yet. There are bunches of them all around the universe. It may also be that our weapons don't bite on them that much. A wide variety of our programs do seem to tickle them a bit, but something more suited to them would be nice...
(7:40pm) I love Nadee. --->
[Edit:this piece was later reprogrammed as a strong anti-NSA device. And different anti-Nommo items were made. These critters are called Nommo.]
May 14, '22: (9:30am) Cooler morning. Had 0.2" overnight.
I have only gotten negligible kickback from the fishies, but Felter has been freaking out over a bunch of them in Fornax.
Normally when i make a lathe piece under Nadee's guidance, it is all programmed by the time i take it off the lathe, or within a couple minutes. But this one took her several hours to program. It is against blood-ritual black magicians.
Not so many around any more these days, other than the special pilot clones.
May15, '22: (2:25pm) Starting to rain. Supposed to get some strong "possibly dangerous" storms again, this time from the northwest.
A reader sent in these links regarding the fish-headed people: The Dogon Tribe, the Nommo, and their Fascinating Cosmic Knowledge, and The Nommo, the Amphibian Race from Sirius.
Hmm, i outed the Dogon as reptilian hybrids back in July 2012, and come to think of it, they still are -- not replaced by clones! I've been saying non-clone rept hybrids are almost all gone except for Mahanoids, but i had forgotten about the Dogon.
They have an evil vibe but do not go undergound.
From the first link:Some authors, like Robert M. Schoch, argue that the Dogon were a people who originated in Africa, but who had been forced to leave ancient Egypt {emphasis mine} due to religious persecutions {whatever}.
It is in his opinion that the Dogon may preserve ancient Egyptian traditions and myths that may even have been carried into the present age, claiming that the Dogon have a powerful cosmic connection.
The piece at the second link is by an author who was a satanist reptilian.
A little while ago Felter was feaking out again about these Nommo all over the universe. When he gets like that he won't stop until i nail a bunch. Scratches around noisily in his box.
May 17, '22: (11:20am) Wasn't much of a storm. Got 0.4". Overcast and cool this morning.
Well i picked up my new lathe and it is excellent. Much larger and more powerful.
As soon as i got it set up yesterday afternoon, Nadee had me turn this aluminum piece on the right. It took her hours to program it. It seems to be like the Lightning Program but for metal. Very strong, intense, but just like the Lightning programs, very hard to harness into doing any work. It is just pure potential right now as we haven't figured out what to do with it.
Then this morning she had me take this big piece of brass and carve it into a billy club. I got heavily attacked by space aliens while making it. They are still after me fairly hard. It seems to be just a general anti-evil piece as far as i can discern. Equal opportunity cudgel.
Despite its size, she had it all programmed a few minutes after i took it out.
It looks pretty cool but i can't seem to take a clear pic of these big shiny pieces.
Joe has purchased my little lathe.
(5:50pm) Yet another one, about 5 minutes ago. Very noisy.
May 18, '22:
(4:20pm) That plane was from Wichita. And then at 7:20 this morning, a loud USAF plane with a nasty vibe cruised over real low and slow, off-radar. Later i noticed more such, but not as close.
Heavy chemtrail struggles and strong attacks on me earlier today.
To the right, a capture from a movie that is probably at least 40 years old. Note the hexagonal sun simulator overlapping a spherical body. The tiny "moon" too.
But what is the brighter object lower down? It also looks and feels fake. It feels like the real sun is partially behind it and partially beyond it in the upper right direction. Not that i see it, behind all that chem.
Click pic for more info.
(6:05pm) A couple more of the things i've been making. Yesterday i made the copper one against AI. Copper is harder to machine. [Update: tellurium copper machines easily, but is expensive.] Then just now i made the brass one. Both were under guidance of Nadee.
After i finished the brass one, i realized it was against another newfound ET species. Joe was attacked from space this morning by the usual suspects but also i sensed this other species. I have no idea what they are.
May 19, '22: (2:40pm) Pleasant temperatures, windy.
That brass wand came in handy yesterday after i posted, as these ETs attacked me. Actually many of our programs work on them, too. But the wand is necessary to fend them off.
Joe and i got their attacks quashed but at 3:40am they launched another offensive against me. Holding the wand helps a lot.
They are really bad news. They were hurting my left scapula, shoulder, upper arm, etc. for hours this morning. I was using the pointed end of the wand to do "acupressure" on spots were they seemed to be drilling into me.
But what they had covertly done to Joe was worse as he did not get the physical pain, but felt angry and hateful, and the resin he poured would not get programmed. Upon inspection, his body was filled with strands or something of their energy.
Nadee and i tried to clear Joe but reached an impasse. Then after a while Nadee had me make this out of aluminum. Which feels like it is working.
I do not know what else kind of muck it might be able to clear. I usually get stuffed with some strange crud several times a day...
(4:20pm) Another one Nadee just had me make against these same dangerous critters.
May 25, '22: (7:25am) I've had another 2.5" of rain. Currently foggy and drizzly. It has been so cool and damp lately that i have built a fire each of the last 3 days. And today is supposed to be fairly cool too. Colder and wetter tomorrow. We are supposed to have temperate weather for the next 10 days.
Yesterday i got hammered most of the day by these new ETs.
Joe finally made an amazing hardware cloth against them, which helped a lot.
Then the Nommo attacked my left side hard for hours. I finally got relief by wearing/carrying that little brass piece on my left. They were hitting the left side of my neck etc.
Then i realized that the offworld NSA had also been covertly attacking me. Carrying the anti-NSA rod helps with that.
This morning the Nommo have been attacking me again, from Vega now. But just now i finally was able to contrive another device to hit them back with: i re-programmed this old citrine. Unfortunately this program only goes into 1 stone. It is difficult to come up with weaponry that does much to these fishies, but this stone feels pretty effective.
NSA corporation: Black & Veatch. Leadership Team, BoD. All NSA repticlones.
(4:55pm) Partly sunny, 72F, breezy.
Here is the HC Joe made against those new guys. Amazingly, it blocks their interference with programming his resin.

(5:55pm) Very strange. The CIA and Mossad went to some trouble to ensure that i would find out about, and presumably publicize, that they have some big joint op going here on the west side of Dunkirk, France.
Allies are taking out bunches of their joint U bases in the area. But i also feel the criminals' activity and presence crawling around on the surface, and floating on boats.
May 26, '22: (5:15pm) I got another 0.2". Cool, overcast weather.
I just realized that my Ozark Trail model 5031 machete works against these Nommo who keep attacking me. And lights up their etheric tentacles or whatever they are rubbing against me. This knife is inexpensive and available from WalMart but not necessarily in stock unless you order it. It is a very short machete and has a nice feel to it. Seems to be semi stainless, decent quality. If you get one we can program it against Nommo and other critters.
May 27, '22: (11:35am) Sunny.
I just made this long ingot thing. It has some cosmetic issues because it overheated and fused to the mold, but is very powerful. It contains only 4 lathe-turned rods plus epoxy with powders.
Among its attributes is that it happens to be very synergistic with my machete. Last night as soon as i laid the knife down on it i got amazing relief from the Nommo, which continues still.
(1:15pm) More about those mysterious critters that "corrupted" Joe. We still haven't found a catchy name for them. I have the impression they are still attacking 95 more people on Earth. Possibly including some of my readers.
Nadee just had me make another aluminum piece against them. I have put all 4 of the relevant rods in one pic here. If any more get made, i will replace the pic with another to include them
So you can use these. If you feel a strong reaction looking at these as well as Joe's HC, it probably means they are attacking you.
May 28, '22: (8:45am) Sunny and clear.
Nadee takes these Nameless Ones pretty seriously. She has had me busy this morning. The 4 rods i posted a pic of yesterday are now in a collection of 11 rods plus a piece of orgonite i cast a few weeks ago. I will post an updated pic later. [Edit July 2024: i must have posted those on the forum. The updated pic is here. And they attacked me again a few days ago.]
And the Nommo are not to be underestimated, either. I was feeling fine yesterday until early afternoon when the space Egyptoids got onto me hard. Then i turned the machete and new ingot onto them. This helped a lot with that but probably gave the Nommo enough breathing space to marshall their forces and start in on me again. Then turning the items back onto the Nommo did not slow them down much.
Then Nadee had me lathe another slim rod to carry on me against the Nommo. That pretty much handled that attack.
(5pm) Chem smear must have blown in about the time i posted last, and we've had it the rest of the day.
Nadee had me make 2 more rods against the new ETs, so now we have lucky 13.
Nommo have been attacking me from Vega again for hours, but not much is getting through.
May 31, '22: (8am) Sunny and clear except the east sky is white with fine haze.
Picture-heavy blog this month.
Something different along the usual path. I don't recall posting Westjet or Calgary flights before.
Do you know it has now been 20 years since i made my first orgonite? Yes, it was sometime early 2002.
In commemoration of which i made this classically shavings-filled thing.
Well, not exactly. This is a re-cast of the item shown May 9. I beefed it up to nail transhumans more powerfully.
It often happens that we come up with a powerful resin program to boost something, but we can't figure out which additives to put in to enable the resin to take and hold the program. Sometimes it takes days or weeks to figure it out. This one took days. My higher self came up with the program for the re-cast. I really don't like all these THs showing up everywhere, so i'm motivated.
It required these nice aluminum spirals that Catmagnet sent me 19-20 years ago. I think she died a few years ago. A tragic story. She was an early orgonaut out west and we corresponded for a few years but she fell victim to stuff i didn't know how to deal with at the time. She eventually ghosted me and dropped out of sight.
A couple years later i realized she had been done in largely by the corrupting touch which turned orgone devices as well as ordinary objects into emitters of toxic energy. She developed the corrupting touch at some point, probably in large measure by getting some devices from some other orgonauts who tragically had this touch, despite being extremely talented. And she corrupted cool stuff i sent her. And anything she had made. These were far darker times. This corrupting energy was taking over the world.
Also i realized she was the only member of her family who was not a satanist reptilian. And she had lots of demons around. She was getting heavily attacked by them long before i was, and i could not fathom what was going on with her. Later i did what i could to help but she never answered my emails again.
(8:55am) Nommo have still been attacking me. Yesterday evening they attacked hard from Procyon. And this morning Felter has been freaking out over them in NGC 7241, although not much is getting through to me currently.
Also i just made this anti-transhuman trident. Rods of 3 different metals.
It does not do much by itself. It was designed to fit in my Lightning Program sky-blaster.
Problem is, when the sky-blaster is tied up this way, it no longer blasts the sky. So, very likely, the trident unit will soon find itself with other means of support.
(6:10pm) Another from this afternoon.

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