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Loohan's blog for July, 2019
July 3 , 2019: (6:35pm) Vodafone launches its 5G network TODAY and becomes the second provider in the UK to offer the ultra-fast mobile internet.
I wouldn't mind receiving a few photos of LIVE 5G towers from readers.
July 4, '19: (10:30am) A reader in DK says the weather has changed for much better and "the changes came instantly when you detected those space AI's the other day, and put it up on your blog (from clear sky, extreme heat, to overclouded, and colder winds)."
Unless this is a short-term fluke, it suggests AI resources are seriously dwindling. Normally i would expect them to continue the weather programs from different AI sources.
Found an online pic of a big 5G mast in DK that is supposedly being tested on a closed network. (Oddly, only a partial version of the pic is offered from the webpage link in Chromium browser for me, and the complete one in FireFox.)
Anyway it has a vibe at this time, but not real nasty. Hard to discern how much of the vibe is from our programming. I don't know how much the "mechanical" threat of 5G is neutralized, but at least it is not serving as a vector for demonic energies.
July 11, '19: (9:45am) I got 6/10" of rain on the 5th, and 3 little rains since which totaled only 2/10" collectively. It has been warmer, probably hit 90 at my place yesterday.
Now the South is expecting, indeed already experiencing, another big storm. I'm not predicted to get much of that. Could use a little, actually.
July 12, '19: (11:55am) Pleasant, largely cloudy here.
Looks like the path of Barry might come my way after all, maybe Mon night. But it will be much diminished. Wunderground is predicting an inch and a half or so.
Tropical Storm Barry ... 10,000 people are evacuated in New Orleans. All the depicted "people" and houses have the repticlone vibe. Probably not many actual people live in New Orleans. These idiots keep building in dangerous coastal areas so they can have storm dramas along with their kinky street festivals?
(6:45pm) Rain chances have been upped to 3"+ for me.
Mystery ring on the map in Burkina Faso at 12.612023, -2.533786. Looks to be a perfect circle of 70' diameter in the middle of a deserted area. It happened to have a CIA AI/Egyptoid base under it.
July 18, '19: (7:40pm) It gently rained and drizzled for 2 days, but i only got 1.4". That's decent, though. No wind at all. The brunt of Barry circled by me.
So i was surprised days later to read New York battered with heavy rain from Tropical Storm Barry, leaving one person dead, streets flooded and water gushing through subway stations.
Then there is Record heatwave will hit two thirds of the US this weekend as some 230 million Americans are expected to bake in scorching temperatures topping 100F. It has hit 90 or so a few times at my place so far, and predictions are for highs of 91-92 for 4 days, followed by low 80s. This is mild considering it is getting into late July. And the mornings are much cooler.
Ah, now i see it is a trick headline: they are talking about heat index, not literal temperatures. It has admittedly been a humid summer so far. But a bit cooler than average here.
So why do they call it "Record heatwave"?More than 100 local heat records are expected to fall Saturday, according to the National Weather Service.
Most won't be record-daily highs but record-high nighttime lows, and that lack of cooling can be dangerous, meteorologists say.
Yet here they are predicting night lows of 72 at the highest.
Still whittling away at the space enemies, making progress. Still getting fake planes daily.
(12:50pm) This is my latest creation, a small but powerful unit i channeled from my brilliant Ta'l wife Nadee.
It is very effective against Egyptoids and their hybrids. So far i have only been using it on the ones out in space.
The spheroid just sits on top. By turning/moving it i can finely tweak the output. Also there is a potentiometer for that.
Consists of pieces of cast epoxy, stones, noble gas bulbs, wires, etc, glued inside the plastic project box. Still room left for more additions.
It is extremely effective for its size, especially if kept tuned.
July 26, '19: (4:45pm) We have been getting our promised cool wave here. Still now the forecast for next 10 days is all below 90, rare this time of year. Got 0.2" of rain the other day.
This morning i noticed that Pelosi's left breast was DORy. There seems to be an implant there, feels rather large as far as i can tell, from space AI#1.
When i first noticed it, there was a connection to AI in Pisces. We nailed those but AI does not want to let go. Currently the implant is connected to them in Serpens Caput.
If you're sensitive, grope that breast. Feels funky.
So far i have not noticed this in others. And i don't know what is so significiant about this particular CIA repticlone hoax actor.
Meanwhile, progress continues. I built another black box with a potentiometer...
July 27, '19: (5:30pm) I just noticed that the type of fake humans called "synthetics", e.g. CIA trannies Jill Stein and Mike Pence, have copped a strong vibe lately, whereas normally they feel pretty neutral.
Another example is this guy i posted about years ago. And the Cliven Bundy "family".
And there is John Whitehead... but wait, he's not a synthetic but an Egyptoid clone... cool. Discovering things as i type: the Egytoid clones are similarly lit up. Very interesting.
Lit up by what? By my anti-AI devices. These critters are so AI-involved, maybe at a DNA level...
July 29, '19: (9:50am) The Arctic's on fire and now it's going to be hit by a heat wave. "On Thursday, Paris saw temperatures of 108.7 degrees Fahrenheit (42.6 degrees Celsius), a record high..." Damn, i lived in TX for 12 years, Arkansas for 22, never experienced temps above around 103.
Noticed a DORy CIA AI U base under 45710 Madridejos, Toledo, Spain and will look for more. We will see if that helps. Also found the space AI running this from Octans.
Overcast and pleasant here today, chance of tiny rain.
(8:10pm) A reader sent me these captures. These animals have a strong AI#2 vibe! "Infusions of artificial intelligence" from outer space!
They contain components manufactured in a CIA base at 52.952747, -93.367124 in Ontario.

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