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Loohan's blog for July, 2020
July 10, '20: (7pm) I've had about 1.75" of rain lately, in several installments. Then next week we are supposed to get our first above-90 temperatures.
Some new devices i made. The one on the right is especially powerful. People under attack might be able to tap into it.
This time of year it is easy to cast with high clarity, so i did not try to make the big one pretty, preferring to be able to see the ugly innards.
The clear epoxy has a new, powerful program from our friend in Europe. It is not yet released to the public because as it gets programmed, aliens attack the crafter and also tend to corrupt the result. Until we can get this kickback whittled down, it is not a good idea for everyone to get this programming.
July 11, '20: (1:50pm) Warm, sunny. Some real and fake clouds.
That thing is tearing 'em up.
Some new allies i was unaware of just put in a U base a few miles from me. I think their name might begin with E and have 3 syllables. They are common in constellations Scorpius and Norma. No idea what they look like.
July 12, '20: (7:05am) This morning i had a vague feeling of optimism, of something mysterious and good happening in my region. Looking at the map, i find i am in the center of a big ellipse (gasp, One Eye) of better energy than the rest of the world. Part of this is due to the radiance of my devices but it also extends far in directions i have not traveled since the pre-orgonite days.

Examining further, i have the impression this is largely due to 175 U bases our new allies have just put into the region. (The dots do not represent bases, just a rough outline of the ellipse.)
I am at the red teardrop. The reason the ellipse extends more eastward is likely because that is the path of mayhem i take traveling to VA to visit my mom.
July 13, '20: (9:30am) Here is another fake plane, sent from Constellation Ara.

(1pm) Largely overcast with largely chem.
To the left we have a pic drawn by a friend of a friend who says it is part of an ancient alphabet. I got an immediate good vibe and feeling of familiarity like i have known this alphabet in the past. To the right is the homeland of a race who, i sense, use this alphabet.

Note how it is composed of 2D shapes that have incomplete sides. The circles are these missing pieces rolled up. The circles can be empty or full.
(8:20pm) It seems to be a hyperdimensional language that only my higher selves understand. I scribbled this on the right. No idea what it means, but it has strong energy.
I may hear back later on what it says. Hopefully nothing too embarrassing.
July 14, '20: (8:55am) Overcast, humid.
No translation available for my symbol, but it seems to have a potent anti-evil vibe. Last night i added it to one of my orgone setups.
A reader sent me the symbol on the left this morning, made with CAD. It made me vaguely uncomfortable. Later i realized that was because it was stirring up something nasty in North America Nebula.
This nebula has been the main source of problems, aside from Capella, in recent years. Joe and i have revisited it countless times. But now it is all flared up anew with the vibes of the usual suspects plus probably some unidentified ones.
(10:30am) My friend made a neat CAD version of my scribble, available here.
(1:25pm) Been getting some fake planes again, the last 3 days.
Then i had him CAD up another symbol. This is anti-Egyptoid. Might be useful for sending love to "people" you know.
Note how the lines don't follow the "rules".
I just installed Librecad for Ubuntu; will see if i can figure it out.
(2:50pm) Or maybe i will just have my adept friend make them.
He asked, how to use these. Well, they work just sitting around. Or in some cases you might note some work better on or under a particular device or crystal.
There are even symbolic radionics devices like this for example, that might help. Not everyone is confident of their ability to mentally connect intent to a target, so a device like this might be helpful.
Or you can skip the device and just take a pic of the target, or a written description, and just place it face-to-face with the printed symbol.
The symbol is what you would put on the Trend plate if you have a machine with one. Or if you have a combined target/trend Witness plate, like the linked paper machine, put both the symbol and a witness for the target on it.
This may or may not work better than just having the symbol with no device!
(6pm) I am shunting the discussion of such symbols to a this forum thread.
July 16, '20 (7:30am) Getting to be a lot of images in this month's blog!
Yesterday was overcast most of the time, including plenty of chem haze. This morning is grey, too.
Yesterday a reader at work sent me this pic of 2 "people" who had a weird vibe and seemed to be there for him, while pretending to be normal shoppers. They had a real odd vibe at first that took me a little while to fathom. The man's entire skeleton as well as the woman's from the hips down, seem to have some artificial ingredient that really affects their energy radiance. I don't know what it is, but the vibe reduced as i blasted them. I tried to figure out which of my channeled programs were doing this, but was unsuccessful.
However, early this morning i checked again. It is the 3012 Anti-Gray pgm:Feb. 26, '12: The 3012 Anti-Gray pgm is one that The Committee came up with in 3012 AD to handle the still-problematic grays. We were able to tap into it in 2012, however.
It goes into metal and/or curing resin. It will go into plain resin with no metal, but might not work that well unless in contact with metal that also has the program.
Resin with shavings or fine aluminum powder is well-suited.
Older orgone devices containing metal can have some of this pgm tucked into them, displacing a bit of the older pgms.
Also one can be attuned to radiate this energy. The attunement is easily passed on in seconds. Just think of Esterian in Alpha Centauri, or else my 5D self. It can also be passed on to other ensouled beings, with their permission.
It can also be passed on to soulless people and animals without their permission. This makes them also radiate the anti-gray program, and makes it harder for grays to influence them.
June 6, '12: Now the grays seem to have been handled (see greys page for more info). So what has become of this pgm?- It is still good, and available.
- It no longer harms grays, unless more evil ones appear that can't be dealt with otherwise.
- It is a good general anti-evil pgm that can be included in stuff.
It is not necessary to make more of this stuff now, however, as there is plenty of metal in this world for the allies to put more of this program into.
I think the CIA was testing to see how these bones stand up to our orgone weapons. Back to the drawing board, guys.
I do sense more of these weird-bones people. They are not even test-tube babies, either; they are CIA Egyptoids with parents. So something is done to change their bone or marrow chemistry, it seems to me. And it is applied selectively, not systemically, as evidenced by the woman's bones.
This all traces to a U base being taken out, on the west side of Sherman Park in Chicago. There is a mob of these weird-bones critters down there.
Does this mean they were using grey-related technology in these bones? I really doubt it. The greys were already defeated. I think it is just a coincidence that this pgm works on these bones.
July 17, '20: (8:10pm) I heard that a credible psychic claimed that processed food has electronic components in it which accumulate on the intestines. Well, if there is such a thing, it would be tiny enough to require a pretty expensive microscope to see. Anybody out there have access to one?
So i found some pix of junk food (boxed cookies) and blasted them. Something lit up!
I eventually figured out that the program responsible for stirring up a vibe out of the junk food is the Rolling Vicarah Program mentioned in OTB 27 on March 10, '13.
I have a lot of resin spheres with that program, so i have been blasting these things for a couple days now. I got all these things, whatever they are, vibing. If you are sensitive, look up images of junk food, candy, boxed pastries, etc. and check out the vibe.
July 22, '20: (2:50pm) Got 0.2" of rain this morning. It got to 91F at my place yesterday, which is about as hot as it has gotten this year so far, and the outlook is for more relatively mild weather.
I just updated OTB 27 with a couple new programs!
Also i just completed this new unit. Click on pic for short video.
July 25, '20: (3:15pm) I have just released the Buddha Compssion Program for resin. Update at OTB 27.
July 27, '20: (2:20pm) Yesss! Just nailed Maha (see June 3 blog) in a U base near Elba, NY. We've been nailing Mahanoids, mostly in U bases, but Maha seemed tougher than most.
July 29, '20: (8:30pm) Finally getting some promised rain, which is supposed to usher in cooler weather too.
On April 16 i blogged about this device i set up to address the weird technologies associated with the fake suns, etc.
Well, just now i noticed it was working on the Future Circle Collider, even though supposedly costruction has not begun yet. So something seems to be going on here (map) that is tied in to all this stuff. I get a weird vibe along the southern half of the circle.

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