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Loohan's blog for July 2018
July 3 '18: (4:05pm) Just had a small thunderstorm pass over. Very small.
Capella and its environs are a big AI territory that has been attacking. Joe and i nailed it hard a couple days ago but now they are at it again.
July 5, '18: (8:30am) 2 more highly dubious orgone/energy sites:, repticlone site. Though actually, after clearing off some surface slime, the items themselves feel half-decent.
The same cannot be said, however, for This had the most toxic vibe. We had to do a lot of work to undo layers and layers of hidden spells and demons on their jewelry items. This site promotes endless repticlones and is run by this Category 1 Egyptoid witch.
I had an odd experience this morning. I noticed my wife Forsh felt dirty because of many layers of spells and implants which traced to a bunch of spread-out U WWs in the Greenland area. I think they did this about 8 weeks ago. As i blasted them, a line of WW U bases became evident, stretching all the way to Antarctica. Of course this is a flat map of a spherical (for those of us who still believe in a round Earth) surface. I think the line bows NE-wards in the center a bit. Also this line is exactly 45 degrees from the map orientation.
Anyway, the bases have been taken out, but there seems to be some odd significance to this line. It seems to have a certain energy.
July 17, '18: (8:10pm) Been in a heat wave here lately, like mid-90s most every day, and dry. I have had around 6/10" of rain so far this month, in several tiny installments. Supposed to get slightly cooler weather tomorrow, with some rain chances.
I have been making more deadly weapons with the new program, which seems to be helping a lot against Egyptoid attacks.
I have been nailing demons that seem involved in the 4-Corners drought too, but that's still going on.
I was checking the map and noticed a DORy spot in W TX (probably not drought-related) that had 500+ CIA Chungoids. More of their bases around there. One had this pair of CIA landing strips right above it, a rare type of find. Partly drugs-related but also other stuff going on. What? Sense traffic to and from a U base in Greenland. Google only shows white but there must be a landing strip near there since they seem to be using relatively conventional craft. Base had 2200+ more Chungoids, plus some Egyptoids, WWs, all with CIA vibe. Big drug labs but that's not all. Seemed to be manufacturing something else, dunno what.
July 27, '18 (7:55am) I have only gotten a bit over 1/2" of rain since last report. Chances for more over next few days. Still often in the low 90s days but often we have cool nights.
Cool out right now. Yesterday was abnormally chemmy, which, as usual, traced to AI in space. This morning, mixed real and fake cloud cover.
This is my new Hybrid Fryer for torturing Egyptoid hybrids to death. Some readers might be able to tap into its power.
Also, a new OTB, OTB 49 about the controversial subject of Azeztulite which is especially relevant for those working with the new ZPE+B Program.
July 29, '18: (10pm) It was a bit cooler this weekend, especially today. Got 3/10" of rain.
Looking at a map of the European drought i noticed in the center of it a bunch of AI undersea bases, which we are taking out. They stretch under the Baltic Sea from near Malmo to near Klaipeda and Gotland. (map)
July 31 '18: (7:30am) Overcast most of day yesterday, had small sprinkle. Very briefly hit a high of 77 F late afternoon when the sun came out.
Then last night got another 1.1"! Almost 3X what they had predicted. It is very foggy now, like it was yesterday morning. Supposed to be a high of 80 today then down to 58 tonight. I love getting a respite in the middle of a dry, hot summer.
I heard DK had a good rain a few days ago, too; they have been in a drought.
(4:45pm) Just had another sprinkle.
Kim Kardashian Receives Her First Physical Bitcoin. The sheer idiocy of this headline grabbed my attention. The things that qualify as news.
Highly glamorous CIA repticlone tranny used to promote CIA bitcoin.

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