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Loohan's blog for June 2018
June 2 '18: (4:50pm) I got a couple brief, strong showers yesterday morning; over 1/2". My boss who lives a few miles south says he got 3.25"!
Then it showered a bit again this afternoon, and we are supposed to get more tonight.
I have been nailing many more repticlone hatcheries, as well as lighting them up worldwide so the allies can find them more easily by themselves. Now when i look at repticlones i can feel and mark hatcheries connected to them. There are lots.
June 9, '18: (7:20pm) Heavy chemtrails early today. As usual, no vibe i could detect from them except AI bots in space.
We have been taking out repticlone hatcheries aplenty, and a few werewolf clone hatcheries too. Most WWs these days get replaced by repticlones, but for some reason some still get werewolf clone replacements.
At work today, a great deal of the repticlone traffic had U WW backup again. This had waned a lot -- individuals having 9 or sometimes 3 or 6 WWs in an underground location to back up their energy. But i think now with the hatcheries drying up, the repticlones are trying to cling to life longer, and are "protecting" themselves with WW energy shields. I did not notice the clones using the WW energy aggressively as in the past.
Some noisy drive-by's as usual. Weeks ago they were doing this heavily with no WW backup.
Of course we mark each U base and the WWs are goners.
I made a breakthrough today in finally being able to get kickback from numerous local "humans" whom i suspected were Egyptoids but never could get the vibe on before.
In general, the last few days, i have seen much less in the way of attacks from space AI bots, space Etoids, and WW U bases than usual, on myself and others. I have been getting more attacks on myself that seem to originate from non-solid entities in space, which we can delete entire species of easily. These are always timed in such a way as to indicate that i am monitored.
June 12, '18: (11:30am) A reader inquired what these creatures are. They are yet another distinct Egyptoid hybrid race. They don't have a strong vibe but i was able to light up some relatives at 25.073292, 77.772660 in India. Looks like a tiny village if that. Then more and more of them underground to the north. Then eventually under all of Russia! Now i find them scattered worldwide in their own U bases, including under the oceans.
I need to think up a catchy name because i suspect we will be running into them for a while. Already found one space HQ for them here.
June 17, '18: (7:55pm) Got a thunderstorm in the wee hours of the 14th, 0.15". It has been dry lately, with afternoons around 90 F. No real rain in sight.
I heard that they got 2" in town a couple days earlier, but that one missed me with surgical precision.
Now i am getting hit by AI from yet another bizarre band of different resolution on Google Sky: this long horizontal band. And if you zoom out there is another such band parallel to it a bit above.
June 19, '18: (12:50pm) It's been a bit cooler the last 2 days, with some rain chances forecast over the next few days.
Another Google Sky anomaly: here you should see a long straight diagonal line resembling a chemtrail. Some friends of mine in Europe have been getting hit by AI located right on that line.
(7:35pm) There are more such lines. Right now they are attacking me from a "chemtrail X" here.
June 20, '18: (7:40am) Whew, didn't get much sleep last night, with all the space AI bots and Etoids attacking. I had to get up in the middle of the night to deal with it.
Today looks like it will be overcast all day.
More garbage energy devices: ORBIE: a $300 item with no vibe at all, with rave testimonials from agency repticlones.
The 1st one on the list is from someone in Peace Child International. Repticlones. Note how Robert Giddings and Fred Fenwick are juxtaposed and made to look like the same guy. Hinga Demby is super androgynous (male).
They seem to be all about assisting disadvantaged Egyptoid youth. You, know, to make the world a better place for parasites. Who would argue against that?
And this clown of the CIA "Spiritual Unfoldment Network".
Actually, a lot of dead links in the testimonials.
June 25, '18: (9am) Got 1/4" of rain the day and night of the 21st, another 0.15" the morning of the 23rd, and a strong shower, 1/2", the morning of the 24th. Then another 1/10" that night. So total of one inch over 4 days.
Galveston Country Club is a heavy CIA party scene involving child prostitution, cocaine, etc. (FB, map).
June 27, '18: (7:10am) Got tiny thundershower last night but now it's supposed to be the hottest day, 95.
Sculptor Galaxy is packed with evil critters including AI, Egyptoids, Chungoids, WWs, etc attacking my friend Dana.
(3:10pm) Revealed: The towering NSA 'spy hubs' hidden in plain sight in cities across the country 'peering into Americans' lives from their own backyards'. I get no NSA vibe off these buildings. They are full of repticlones, of course, doing who knows what.
(6:30pm) I just realized that Green Tortoise is a CIA proprietary staffed by Egyptoids. I rode their bus a couple times in '93 and spent one night in their Seattle hostel.
Real hippie scene. There is an image here of the "founder".
They even have a Wikipedia page.
June 29, '18: (11:30am) I was wondering what the sylphs are doing. I think it's been years since i've seen a sylphed cloud. Seems they are all over an area of Brazil which almost coincides with the drought map.
There are a lot of demons there which we need to address.
(1:40pm) It's not just Google Sky that has these weird changes of zoom. Here's a capture from Google Earth--->Sky of where i am, for the moment, being attacked from by AI bots and Egyptoids.
(6:30pm) New anti-Egyptoid program, the ZPE+B Program. Read all about it down the page here.

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