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Loohan's blog for August 2018
Aug 4 '18: (5:25pm) Got another 1/10" Aug 1 so that makes 1.5" total that week. Since then it has been a bit cooler but not always that much.
Someone sent in this great pic of an androgynous ET i will call Baphomoids. This one traced to an AI base in space, and i am finding more, always associated with AI. They are all over space. I get no gender impressions and suspect they might be hermaphrodites.
Lots of our programs work on them, from the Strontium-Barium pgm to the anti-Egyptoid ones.
Note also how the eyes are too high in the head, a trait i have often pointed out in some Egyptoid individuals.
Supposedly they have blue skin and their irises turn red when they "activate".
They are hitting me back now.
I am not sure, but i suspect they are the ones who created AI and also the Egyptoids, which i suspect are humans with Baphomoid DNA spliced in. But i am not certain.
Aug 8, '18: (8:20am) I had small storms passing me by for a couple days. Yesterday evening i noticed on the radar map that all the red areas were either fading as they approached me, or veering north and south of me.
I didn't find any demons but noticed all these werewolf U bases flared up in a wide area upwind of me. Which is funny because i had just cleared a big DORy mess of them from the same region the previous evening.
Anyway i marked them and as soon as we got their taught energy zone neutralized on the map, immediately a thunderstorm came in from nowhere and dropped 1.2" in maybe a 1/2 hour. Maybe just coincidence.
The last 2 days were hot but now it is supposed to be cooler (highs mid to upper 80s) and with chances for small rains for a while.
We have been making/reprogramming items to nail the Baphomoids. They in turn have been interfering with my sleep with psi/AI attacks. Also last night i realized they had covert psychic monitors, which we reprogrammed an old unit to light up brightly. Previously i had the mistaken impression that they weren't that psychically perceptive, as they have specially-bred Egyptoids doing the more obvious psychic monitoring, etc.
Someone sent me this "sun" pic from Czechia because it felt wrong. Yes, i don't understand why, but this feels more like some AI construct. It feels dead and harsh. And does not look very round.
Also sent pix of this morning's sun, which felt the same.
Aug 9, '18: (7:05am) Got another 0.4" of rain yesterday. Overcast now.
This bldg at 40.350144, 14.990703 in Agropoli, Italy has dozens of Italian intelligence service repticlones working in it, many with nothing better to do than to gang-stalk people.
(8:40) That bldg (which google avoids identifying) has a lot of AI vibe!
I am told it used to be a kindergarten.
August 14, '18: (8:45am) It has been raining steadily since before i woke up. Very cool out.
I have had a number of interesting AI-related adventures lately.
Yesterday i sensed that Tim Rifat was up to something. I located him in a house at 35.858944, 36.151833, where he still is, with 4 more Egyptoid males. This is in a filthy, ET-infested little Turkish town called Aşağıpulluyazı. The house has a big(?) AI machine in it, which was connected to 9 more in 9 U bases in Turkey. After that we found bunches more AI U bases in Turkey, including some that had a distinct CIA vibe.
Then i happened to stumble across this pic while searching for something else. He had a very wrong, warpy, harsh vibe in his head. He was associated with this hoax. The images in this article won't display in either of my browsers, but i can see them in Google Images. There are 4 CIA repticlone "perps" shown, 3 of which had this very wrong, intense vibe, seemingly of an AI box in their heads!
This traced to a CIA AI base which we took out. There seemed to be a radio link to the base from their heads. The hoax has a California stamp on it but the base was in Chicago. We took out a bunch of related bases in the general Chicago region.
Note that the hoax is dated 8 years ago. I found the 3 stooges in 3 CIA U bases. One was just south of the Washington/Canada border, the others just north.
I sense there were 66 such guys (at least) and the others got marked and their bases destroyed. They may have been slaves, repticlone robots. Why they were associated with this lame, obscure hoax is a mystery.
Even with him dead now, this pic still has a freaky vibe. I do not sense more, but will remain alert.
Meanwhile a reader had asked about the Center for Integral Mission in east OK not that far from me (map). Integral Mission is a worldwide Protestant cult (Wikipedia) run by the usual Vatican repticlones. So i blasted the place a while, then various creepy U bases appeared there and around there. Eventually, got a strong AI vibe in a U base and found several more AI bases in the general area.
(8:55am) Oh yeah, almost forgot: while cleaning up that OK area, i found a U base with 86 Sasquatch as well as AI in it. It had been years since we encountered any evil Sasquatch. They used to be ubiquitous in U bases, even under all the oceans and deserts, and were very gnarly at psi-attacking.
We found numerous more of them in various bases in the region. And more are still being ferreted out.
As in the past, the good Sasquatch (largely located in North-Central Washington) are helping us find the bad ones.
The bases we are finding have AI in them as well.
(2:50pm) Got another, heavier, shorter rain that added 3/4" to the 1.25" i already had [correction: added 1/4" not 3/4]. Still cool out.
How bizarre. I got a telemarkety-seeming call from a repticlone just now, whom i hung up on. Only a minute or 2 later i realized she's CIA and connected to AI. Lit up a mess of bases from Melbourne, FL to Miami. They are doing the phone call suicide thing involving AI now. Or maybe they always were and i only now noticed.
Aug 15, '18: (11:55am) Flash flood warning in effect. Mass of storm approaching, but also fizzling, looks like. OK with me. Not detecting interference.
Tim Rifat met a tragic demise at 11:10 CST, in a south Holland AI U base which was connected to more Dutch AI bases, especially under Medel.
I sensed he was upset about having his Turkey location outed by me, and attempted some black magic attack. Now, recognizing what a loser he was, he has committed hara-kiri of sorts. Or else in his Psi-Lord arrogance he thought he could hide from me.
Will he be replaced by a repticlone? Egyptoid clone? Synthetic? Robotoid? Stay tuned.
Aug 16, '18: (9:05am) Then the other numbskulls from that Turkey house brought the AI device that was in the house to a U base in nearby Syria...
I've had another 0.3" of rain and now the sun is shining through light haze.
If you have Google Earth, check out Arcturus. Go to View, Explore, Sky, then type Arcturus in the textbox. When i do this i get a big blue field, and if i then zoom out, i get this. That blue thing feels CGI, does not have Arcturus vibe.
(8:35pm) A couple more such space oddities:
Earlier i got hit from the red rectangle area here.
And someone sent me this capture to show me where a negative portal is. Strangely, it is exactly in the middle between the ends of those lines.
Aug 20, '18: (1:55pm) Got another 3.8" of rain between the night of the 16th and the afternoon of the 17th. The 17th was also a very cool day.
Another 1/2" yesterday afternoon. Then yesterday evening, a big thunderstorm pounded down another 1.2". That's another 5.5" since last report.
Been getting relatively temperate temperatures for August.
Intriguing coincidence: Florida teen is arrested 'after stealing AR-15 from deputy's car and then DANCING with it on Instagram'. Moses Clay Jr, 17, was arrested Saturday by the vigilant hard-working understaffed and underpaid cops in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Also, these same cops arrested Moses Clay, 37 in May of 2016, along with 3 more CIA repticlone blacks.
The younger Moses (a Jr) may be the ostensible son of the older one.
Aug 21, '18: (9:25am) Cool, overcast morning.
As i was typing now, got a silent call from a CIA WW U base, one of a group of 9 they wanted to get rid of. Don't think we have gotten these before from WWs.
UFO Motherships fleet arriving in SCOTLAND !!! Aug 2018. Not sure what's so "arriving" about it. Vid shows motionless craft over lapping waves. Craft look halfway greyed-out and pretty fake, but they are real. I sense 8 of them around Earth, and they come from here in the Gemini area. These seem benign.
That seems like a sincere website for UFOs, and they have a YouTube channel too.
Giant UFO flying over the Han River in KOREA !!! Aug 2018. This one feels less benign, but i am unsure how hostile or dangerous they may be. It comes from here.
I'll check out more of their vids later.
(9:40am) Woops, that Korea batch, i thought was unconnected to the Baphos, Egyptoids, AI, etc but soon after the allies started checking them out, i got attacked by these from nearby! That area is full of these usual suspects as well as the "new" ETs, and they are allied.
I marked 6 of their ships near Earth for demolition.
(10:40am) The Kur-dahn allies are now in contact with the benign group. Also i found another recent vid of them: Strange UFO caught on camera in the mountains of SWITZERLAND !!! Aug 2018. Different type of craft but same guys. Four of these are around Earth now.
Driver spotted large UFO over storm cloud in SPAIN !!! Aug 2018. Amazing image. These are some allies of the Ta'l, Venusians, etc. They are from here.
Flying Angel or strange UFO caught on camera in TEXAS !!! June 2018. Very strange! But feels real. Think this is a single benign being.
(11:50am) A reader pointed out that the "angel" actually was demonic, from a hive in Casseiopea. We deleted that species.
Most of the UFOs on that channel are probably fake, especially the ones "leaked" by militaries, etc. However i think this is real: UFO reported by Pro-russian soldiers in Shirokino Area Ukraine May 2015.
Also, Huge UFO hovered in the sky over SHANGHAI !!! July 2016, Huge Cross Shaped UFO spotted over Delaware River - USA !!! May 2018. So far these last 3 seem benign.
Meanwhile, the usual critters have been hammering me from Camelopardalis for the past 45 minutes or so.
(1pm) Camelopardalis neutralized for now.
About that huge cross ship, it started to feel more hostile. There is an article that goes with it. Witness said "We live next to Dover AFB... I'd say from its altitude, it was about eight miles in total length and width."
Note that there is an "a" superimposed on the pic in the article, as well as in the vid. In the vid, the a stays in place on the UFO regardless of camera movement, strongly suggesting this is a hoax. You can see the a very clearly at 2:00. And at various points you see a couple people on the ground, ignoring the UFO.
Yet this feels like a real object, consisting at least in part of aluminum. I think it is a scale model probably used [as a base for CGI] in this hoax by USAF. Witness is Category1 Egyptoid.
Aug 23, '18 (11:50am) Again yesterday morning as the previous day, i got a silent call from a CIA WW U base, one of a group of 9 they wanted to get rid of.
Been having amazingly cool weather.
Those allies i mentioned on the 21st, seen over Scotland and depicted here, now have 32 such craft around Earth, and 16 of the smaller ones as seen over Switzerland.
The craft of another type of allied ET was photographed over North Carolina (video). These come from HD 107192.
A reader had a dream about some evil ETs with grey-green color, low foreheads, wide-set eyes, and these reside in this region.
Had a strange event last night. I sensed that Egyptoid actor Jet Li was in a Triad U base at 42.390806, 123.989528 in NE China. The base was pretty exactly under those rows of houses, which seem inhabited by normal people. In an attempt to hide it from detection?
It was full of DORy Etoids, and there were more Triad U bases around there and in the Yinzhou area.
He has already been replaced by an Egyptoid clone who will no doubt have all his remarkable kung fu prowess. How they do this stuff beats me. We got a clone hatchery and several connected bases out of that deal.
Hmm, now noticing more Triad bases, especially under Diaobingshan... cleanup continues.
(3:15pm) Just got a tiny sprinkle. It has been overcast all day.
Here is a new, powerful mini-CB designed and programmed by Eenia.
I get that it throws energy up about 3 miles, and does a lot else besides.
(6:35pm) I updated OTB 48 at the bottom with a note about taping channel wands.
Aug 27, '18: (10:25am) I have started to get fake light planes from space AI now. The fact that fake-feeling chem and chem-planes, as well as chem ripples lately all trace to AI in space is not new, but now a couple times i have had what sounds like small prop planes with no vibe to trace except to their origin in space from AI.
I did not run out to look as both times i was busy pouring epoxy.
New development this morning: our new allies (ship depicted above left) got their ships around Earth psi-attacked hard by Cumboids using AI from numerous space locations. Cumboids are a specific common strain of Egyptoid hybrids i have mentioned before, and i think they have had an adverse relationship with our new allies for a long time. And apparently they object to these allies meddling in Earth affairs.
(4:20pm) Still dealing with Cumboids and their AI stuff. They have been attacking me from all over the universe. I never imagined they were so widespread and numerous.
Aug 31, '18: (8:35am) On Aug 28 i had another "please eradicate us vermin" call from an Egyptoid U base in Wisconsin, connected to loads more of their bases in a large chunk of that state.
On Aug 29 i twice had a fake plane, or at least what sounded like a light prop plane (it was cloudy and rained) from AI in space. They had 66 cloaking spells done by Baphomoids.
On the afternoon of the 29th i got a thunderstorm that left 0.6". But that's nothing compared to what passed to the north.
At 11:10am on the 30th i got another fake plane overflight. Sounded like at least 2 planes but i only saw one when i ran out: larger prop plane appearance. From space AI.
10 minutes later, a small prop plane noise, fake, traced to same general area of space. AI.
Then i got a thunderstorm and 0.4" in the afternoon; again, nothing compared to what passed to the north. In recent years usually much more rain goes north of me.
Now, very foggy, cool.
This morning the CIA went to some trouble to ensure that i would find their massive presence under Viborg, Denmark. The whole town has CIA under it which we have been working on for a couple hours plus already.
As if DK needed the CIA. They have PET which is their version, which has the country even more tightly sewn up than the CIA has the US! if such a thing is imaginable. We have shut down huge numbers of child-rape institutions in DK over the years.

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