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Repticlones definition page

The definition from my glossary:
Repticlones (RCs): In 2015 I started using this term to refer to the clones of reptilian shapeshifters. More precisely, they are usually not even clones of the specific individuals they replace, but rather mass-produced test-tube babies which are somehow morphed and programmed to duplicate the individual they replace. The clones almost never have any ability to "benefit" from blood-ritual magic practices, nor emit nasty energy that glues into the environment/objects, nor implant, nor energy-attack. They do, however, have a bit of a nasty intrinsic vibe when blasted with orgone. And they do channel the toxic energies of demons/ETs for stalking purposes and to counter positive energy in the environment. They may be used to replace any human-looking creature. I used to think they replaced regular people with these things, but it turns out those were Egyptoids who got replaced. Repticlones are usually merely replacements for shapeshifting reptilians and other pseudo-humans who have been killed by our allies underground, although we have also run across quantities of ad hoc repticlone slaves offworld and underground.
There are also Egyptoid clones and werewolf clones. All these types of agency clones are traditionally grown in underground hatcheries or offworld. As are various other kinds of doubles and faux humans.
But let's flesh this out a bit. Unless you have been diligently following my blog for the past decade, and have a good memory, you will have some questions. Why do these exist? What purposes do they serve? Why are non-clones replaced with clones?

NOTICE: I myself would not believe this stuff if I did not get RESULTS working with it many times a day, year after year, confirmed by many targeted individuals. I'm bright enough that if I were making stuff up, I would come up with stuff that makes more sense, and is more plausible and logical.

First off, most "people" on this planet have long been what I call COTHS -- Creatures of the Hand Signs. Freemasons are probably a subset of these. These are the minority who hang out at the lodge, have Masonic degrees, etc. But the rest of them are similar critters and use the same symbols, physical gestures, shill for the same hoaxes, etc. Many are involved in other quasi-Masonic fraternities etc.

COTHS can be divided into 2 main categories: hybridized and unhybridized. The unhybridized ones I have been calling EGYPTOIDS. The reptilian hybrids I used to call "reptilian shapeshifters" but now prefer the term "reptilian hybrids".
There are actually many different strains of rept hybrids, depending on where in the universe they came from.
There used to be large quantities of Lycan Hybrids AKA werewolves. And many other non-reptilian hybrid varieties such as Fulzoids, Cumboids, etc.

Incidentally, the Sumerians were quite evil and probably of a slave-mutant strain of Sumeroids, which are space aliens very similar to Egyptoids. We have tangled with them in the past but they don't seem that plentiful. That is, we tangled with the space Sumeroids. I have not noticed Sumeroids on or under the Earth.

Are COTHS genetically different from us? No. As far as I can determine, probably ALL contemporary Earth people are genetically Egyptoids and Egyptoid hybrids. Having their genetics does not make one evil. We all have genetically modified slave bodies with the Egyptoid's own cherished gender-bent mutations, plus shortened lifespans and an obsession with breeding more such bodies. Regardless of race. The gender aspects and breeding compulsion vary quite a bit in how much they manifest, from one individual to another.

I said in the definition that there are also lycan and Egyptoid clones. But actually, more recently, the latter have gotten extremely scarce, and it is possible that ALL lycan hybrids and lycan clones are now extinct.

What purpose do the clones serve? For one thing, they replace COTHS who have perished "prematurely" in underground bases. The majority of reptilian hybrids, and some other hybrids, always had a propensity to hang out underground, and our allies are somehow "allowed" to bump them off there. In fact, although it may be changing, there was long a MUCH greater population under the surface of Earth than above. Underground bases can be many miles below the surface, even over 300 miles sometimes. Most of these creatures might never have been on the surface. Others popped up occasionally to party. Others had surface identies but spent some fraction of their time underground. This was before we got onto them years ago.

One thing about COTHS, especially the hybrids, is that they get a real nasty, paranormal, demonic vibe when hit with our energy programs. Many straight-up Egyptoids are still relatively immune but most COTHS will flee undergound when blasted enough with our programs. Why? There must be some relief there, despite the fact that we have filled the Earth with our energies too.
The Egyptoids on the surface used to mostly NOT have underground connections, but more recently when we started frying them, they also went under.

Why do COTHS have a demonic vibe, but not others who have the same genetics? Apparently, they are activated somehow, at some point in childhood or occasionally later. In fact, someone born of innocent parents can sell out, join the Masons, whatever. Many of these will take on the same freaky evil ET vibes and also run underground and get killed and replaced by a RC! Some of the kids i knew earlier in life who had decent parents became like this, and are now replaced by RCs. A few became like this but do not run underground.

At first the werewolves got replaced by werewolf clones. Later the Egyptoids also first got replaced by Egyptoid clones. But now, almost all COTHS, regardless of variety, get replaced by reptilian clones for some reason. They are not very tough, and usually need to be replaced often, but must be easier to produce.

There are many mysterious aspects to the situation that I can't make sense of.
How can they quickly replace any individual with an identical copy, complete with all skills and memories of the original? There used to be a few glitches many years ago, but lately... They don't even have souls anymore; nothing that can go out of the body or reincarnate that i can detect, yet the replacement just pops up with the same personality, etc.

They presumably are identical down to finger prints, moles, scars, tattoos, possibly even dental work, knee replacements, etc. How is this possible?
Now, my claims of genetic backgrounds are based on my dowsing their VIBE, not looking at samples under an electron microscope. For all i know, there might be no scientificaslly discernible difference in the DNA between, say, an Egyptoid and their repticlone replacement.
Are these underground bases in our 3D? if we dug a big hole would we run into them? Some, i think, but most seem to somehow ooze into some dimensionally offset underworld or something. Note that COTHS are the ones doing all this fracking.
I have sometimes found reptilian hybrids underground just a few feet from their mobile home or house, and i really doubt there are tunnels there. On the other hand, a few have gotten nailed even spelunking or working their job in under-city public sewers, etc.

Other uses for repticlones: There are many used as slaves/drones/workers in space, under the Egyptoid space aliens.
There used to be large quantities of identical, mind-controlled repticlones forming armies for China and other countries.
Under some rare circumstances, our allies are allowed to take out COTHS living on the surface.

Currently, most "people" on Earth are repticlones, and more Egyptoids are getting replaced by them daily. Reptilian hybrids who are not clones appear to be almost extinct. Very few individuals left on Earth, and I have not noticed any in undergound or space bases in years. The exception is Mahanoids, an unusual type of rept hybrid I only later became aware of. There are still quite a few of these around.

These are of the most common type of repticlone, but more rarely, we find fancier models.
Ordinary clones are forbidden from piloting, but all commercial passenger airline pilots in recent years have been of a very special type of repticlone that is much tougher, and also they are all blood-ritual satanists. For some reason, as long as I have been paying attention, it has been de rigeur for all airline pilots to be blood satanists. Why, i don't know. This was not the case decades ago. These contemporary pilots have some Mahanoid genes.

Also transhumans (THs) have become increasingly common. Many politicians and celebrities are now TH repticlones. Some THs are Egyptoids.
TH repticlones are much tougher than the common type of RC. They, like the pilots, are built to withstand orgone blasting. They do not go underground normally. For some unknown reason, however, dozens of TH RCs in the Arkansas State Police have bit it, and gotten replaced by ordinary RCs again. Another mystery.

And repticlones do breed, producing offspring (sex objects) that have the same vibe as RCs. I refer to them as repticlones, too, but actually they are sexually produced offspring of RCs. That, is, unless they too get caught underground and get replaced by clones. Since traditionally, much underground activity consisted of surface repts going down to party and have orgies involving child-swapping, it is common for kiddies to get replaced.

People often ask me, do these evil people know what they are? and I have to admit, most of them sure do a good job of acting clueless. I think many of them might be, especially the current crop of RCs. But many are not. I have posted on the forum many symbols, gestures, colors, etc, they favor. If they pose for photos while doing some of these, be suspicious. But many of these red flags also occur innocently.
Many of the ones that do know they are minions of evil will be playing roles in the media and entertainment. They are hoax actors, cops, gang-stalkers, disinfo gurus, etc.
One could narrow the question down to: Are all repticlones COTHS? And I really don't know. I have not had enough real-life observational opportunities lately.

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