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Loohan's blog for September, 2019
Sep 2, 2019: (8:55am) OMG now the CIA has come up with a "mass murderer" repticlone with the same last name as mine! Odessa gunman Seth Ator. I had already pointed out some of the Masonic red flags yesterday but now they have added more.
Ator is a fairly rare name, and most likely we have common ancestors not too far back. My father's side of the family was also in TX. Reptilian-Egyptoid hybrids heavily into blood ritual satanism, incest, and the Church of Christ, they were.
Sep 5, '19: (1:10pm) Looks like we're in for a hot September.
Low-intensity warfare: for a couple weeks lately horseflies have been pestering me like never before. Sure, i expect an occasional one in the summer, but not the relentless dive-bombing i've been getting lately. Many of them i smash immediately when they land, before they can sink their teeth in me, but some manage to nail me. I made some lotion with a bit of citronella and peppermint oils which i smear on myself before going out, but they bite me right through it.
Finally a few minutes ago i realized that AI#1 has been manipulating them into doing this! Several of the flies were buzzing me at the time, which immediately stopped as soon as i nailed the perps! Then a few minutes later more flies attacked. This time i had to break cloaking spells before i could nail the AI. Then a few minutes later, i got more buzzing and had to deal with several groups of bases before it stopped. Then i went inside.
Yes, they make big sacrifices to cause me minor annoyance. I am not hypersensitive to insect bites. The welts itch and hurt slightly for a while but it's no big deal.
A reader just sent me this pic of a scratched epoxy unit. This was caused by demons! He says he has more pieces with these scratches that just appeared. This is someone who has been writing me at least 7 years and who has made and bought several pieces. I doubt he is making this up.
I deleted 8 species and we will see if it recurs. Pretty unusual.
Some technical info for radionically-inclined readers: recently i have received the intelligence that the following energies are destructive to evil Egyptoids and their hybrids:- the 8th harmonic of cadmium
- the 4th harmonic of boron
- Iodine-121, a radioactive isotope
used in medicine
But what is the "harmonic" of an element? I don't know exactly. How does one use this? I am broadcasting it with my ultimate radionics unit. Also, if one could get one's hands on some of the iodine-121 one could make some devices incorporating it, i suppose. But no vendors come up in a web search. One probably needs certain medical credentials to get any.
I don't think that physical cadmium or boron would be of any value here.
Where did i get this info? I got telepathic with some high Egyptoid intelligence. They WANT to help us destroy them. They have consistently fed us info and technologies toward that end. Even some of the best programs we use a lot of came from their covertly demonic agents. So weird.
(4:30pm) A reader sent me a link to a most interesting YT channel: The Final Days, which, amazingly, seems legit. I tend to downplay the importance of Masonic Bible passages myself, but she shows a lot of gov't footage of the sky with anomalies.
I have only watched 2 of the vids so far. One is here from late March. It shows some fake suns that no longer exist because apparently our allies took them out. And this one is from today.
Both of these show a bell-shaped reflector which apparently lights up fake moons and whatnot. She says it is Nasa equipment but it has the vibe of space CIA/AI#1. I think it was 2.3 million miles away. This thing is being dismantled for recyclables as i speak, by allies. It contained very large amounts of aluminum and copper worth salvaging. Also iron but they are probably going to leave that behind. Now it remains to be seen if this still shows up in cams. They might try to bring in another but that would take a while and we might hinder them. Also there may already be more out there that we haven't lit up. The depicted one was not programmed, meaning somehow it was never noticed by our allies. I lit it up so they could find it.
The gist is, it appears as though another planetary system has entered ours, and its planets are being hidden from us in various ways, but they do show up vaguely in the cams. The problem i have is that i only get a faint vibe off them, and can't detect any stone or metal, or anything else we could program. Apparently they have a lot of craters and spin a fair bit.
Seems like an awful lot of trouble to hide something; why? There aren't that many people on this planet that aren't their drones, and they couldn't do anything with the knowledge if they knew. So what does it matter?
Anyway, i subscribed to the channel.
(5:10pm) Now 4 of those odd planet things are getting very vibey due to something the Ta'l are doing. However, i dunno what they are doing or why they are only doing it now, when surely these objects must have been obviously visible before.
(8:40pm) Woops, no Iodine-121 does not have any uses that i have found. It does exist, however.
Sep 6, '19: (12:25pm) I watched another of those vids. She points out that the actual size of the fake suns is quite tiny. Actually she touched on that in the other vids i watched; how a big sun will shrink to nothing as it passes behind a thin pole.
So, as i gather, the scene is that large planets have entered our solar system. These cause many eclipses of the real sun, so artificial measures are in place to obscure that eclipses are happening. But she only uses cams from the W Canada and Alaska area.
She recommends a March 3 vid in this vid, but i did not succeed in finding it.
Why have i not noticed a single instance of a fake sun here? The sun is bright as hell and appears and feels totally real.
However, as i have blogged in the past, readers have sent me fake sun pix from Europe. And what happened after we addressed the AI behind those? The real sun returned to those areas, not a bunch of weird eclipses. So her explanations may seem to fit the observations in the NW, but what about elsewhere?
And still i wonder what these planets are composed of. Almost any common rock i should be able to detect.
Meanwhile, AI#1 knows when i step outside and activates thousands more space bases to make the flies bug me, LOL.
Sep 10, '19: (6pm) The next day i looked at a cam in Vacouver, and even there in a majorly populated area, the sun was obviously fake and flared up real huge in the morning then shrunk to a fraction of its size, with a weird shape.
Meanwhile, the planet-things have gotten a sweet vibe to them, whatever that means.
I just noticed this bowling ball sized hornet's nest up in a maple tree near my cabin. Never seen anything like it before.
It doesn't feel normal, though; it has an oddly good vibe to it. Think i'll leave them be.
Sep 12, '19: (12:40pm) A reader sent me several YT links of hornets and wasps eating horseflies. Maybe that's why this nest appeared. I think AI has been drawing in the flies from miles around to harrass me.
I asked my neighbor if he was having horsefly problems and he said no.
Sep 20, '19: (9:35am) It has been hot and dry. But as of today it's supposed to be a bit cooler. September has been the hottest month of the year so far, but still cooler than usual summer temps, with highs around 90 here.
Got 0.3" of rain since yesterday afternoon. Overcast.
I am still getting AI-thrown horseflies when i go out.
Funeral for a beloved warrior ally: at 8:30pm last night i sensed Fred was moving on. Eenia, Nadee, Rorg, Felter, and 2 Yiz girls were in attendance and helped him move to his next incarnation, a small soulless snake on my property, probably of the same species (black rat snake). Demon eradication services will proceed as usual.
For weeks lately he has been on my mind. I have not seen him so far this year, and i knew that even years ago, he was larger than this species normally gets. I wondered if he was on his way out. I really missed seeing him. And now i think his huge carcass is rotting somewhere in my crawl space, eventually to be eaten by mice and crickets. There are other black snakes down there but occasionally mice get in and live briefly before they get nailed.
These 2 pics are from May 2016.
One morning that May i opened my front door to find he was sunning himself in the base of the doorway. He did not flinch or move when i opened the door and got my camera. I had to step over his languid self to get out.
I hope some day to see him again in his new body.
Sep 24, '19: (2:15pm) I got another 1/4" after that, then today it has been drizzling since before dawn. It has been cooler and breezier since last post, hence fewer horseflies.
I watched the latest vid from Final Days and she makes mention of a Dr Claudia Albers, astronomer, who has a website, YT vids, etc. with all sorts of intriguing titles about Planet X etc, but i have not watched them because she is a CIA Category 1 Egyptoid who does hand signs.
Note glowing red spot at bottom center of pic, too.
When i blasted her i kicked up 80 AI#1 bases around north-central Canada and northward from there.
UPDATE July 2022: No, i think she is legit! actually. She has kind of a freaky vibe. That is hardly much of a hand sign. She might not be right on everything but she has the best info about the sun simulators, etc.
Something was going on though back then with CIA AI glommed onto her. Maybe they were actually attacking her. She has health problems.
UPDATE: Nope, i was right the first time! She is NOT legit, though some of her info might be. See Jan 20, '24 entry.

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