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Loohan's blog for August, 2019
August 2, 2019: (10:50am) Still relatively mild temps below 90F, still droughty although i did get 1/4" the other day.
I cannot fathom this math-stupidity psyop: Mathematician solves tricky equation that's been baffling the internet for days - so, did YOU work out the correct answer? Whaat? "Tricky equation 8 divided by 2(2+2)=? has been puzzling people on social media for days". Are they kidding? I am no math whiz, but i have done algebra, most of which i have forgotten, in a French school in Morocco, a German school in Turkey, probably in a Jamaican school, several American schools including a university class, but this equation is totally straightforward and unambiguous as can possibly be. This was taught in like 2nd grade in French schools. It is about as simple as it gets. Only somone unacquainted with the most basic introductory fundaments of the "language" of algebra could be confused. Meaning that those who got it wrong must have been shills faking it.
So why are they publishing this weird infantile garbage?
China Tests Dove Surveillance Drone. These have an AI#1 vibe! I seem to detect 80 of them with this vibe.
Aug 7, '19: (2pm) Warming up some now. It has been dry. I got 2/10" day before yesterday. But it looks like that may change:
huge thunderstorms sweep across the East Coast and Mid-West bringing the threat of flash flooding, tornadoes and even hail.
Still haven't figured out why the violent weather keeps happening despite everything, but we recently got some new allies that might be able to mitigate it.
(3:45pm) Half an hour after posting that i got creamed by a thunderstorm that dropped almost a full inch in maybe 20 minutes. Cooler now.
Aug 8, '19: (6:20pm) Overcast all day. I got another 1/10" of drizzle.
As i combed through media images today i noticed a couple individuals that have a real strong AI#1 vibe: Kate Moss' daughter Lila, 16, CIA repticlone prostitute, is one. Another is CIA repticlone "Shaman Durek". It feels like these units are more directly run by AI. Or something like that.
Aug 9, '19: (4:35pm) And i have gotten another 0.4" of rain. Overcast, humid, 79-ish.
Two days ago there was all this noise about severe weather about to happen, and now, nothing. Even if i look up severe weather, no mention of this storm or aftermath. Hmmm.
(4:45pm) Well wunderground didn't have anything but accuweather mentions severe weather to the north.
Aug 13, '19: (11:50am) Got another 0.7" almost by the next day. Total of 2.6 so far this month. Now it is hotter. Yesterday was the hottest day so far this year, somewhere in the 90s (where it would normally be this time of year in a typical summer). Should be slightly cooler today, though.
I have added a bunch more material to my page on Egyptoids. Everything after the Maleficent pic was added this month.
Aug 14, '19: (9:15am) Stifling heat smothers 13 {13!} states across the Southeast as temperatures soar up to 120F and threaten to bring 'ring of fire' thunderstorms Whaaat? They show a map claiming it was 108F in Little Rock yesterday. Sounds scary but that is not actually degrees but humidity-adjusted. Even so i wouldn't be surprised if it was exaggerated a little. Little Rock is maybe 70 miles south of me in direct miles and i am still having a milder than average summer here. Before orgonite, the summers i had here seemed more humid as well as of higher temps. We would get long droughts that were very humid, making molds grow.
Virtually no rain in the forecast here, alas. I checked the 10-day forecast and the highest temp predicted is 91 day after tomorrow; then things should gradually be cooling down. Mid-August already and the temps have barely exceeded 90 a handful of times, when in the past it sometimes would be 100 now, and upper 90s was common. Yet, endless hype about how exceptionally hot it is.
I hardly had any tomatoes ripening until a few days ago.
(8:30pm) Today i had 4 silent phone calls from CIA U bases. This hadn't happened to me in some time.
Aug 23, '19: (7:35pm) I've had another 2/3" of rain. Cooler today, high in the low 70s, overcast.
Last October i posted about these ETs i called Vimoids. I sense some are still alive.
What reminded me of them is another rendition of these evil creatures in Children's Entertainment. Creepy AI#1 vibe running this op. Full moon, owl, keys in a witch's broom shape... Come float away with meee...
I sense some serious "spiritual" mind control.
I had a few more calls from CIA U bases. And i still get hum demons and fake planes sometimes.
Aug 28, '19: (8:45pm) On the 24th we had a chance of small rain in the forecast, so what happens? Starting in the wee hours a strong hard storm dropped 3.2". It was over before 8am. No wind, though.
Then got another 1/10" the following night. And another 4/10" the night after that.
I typed up a brief definitions page for AI. Not very satisfactory but it's something.

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